Chapter 4 -What Are the Odds That...?-

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“Out of the way!” were the words I woke up to. I was flung into someone’s arms and then moved at vampire speed. I blinked disoriented but had no idea what happened or what was still happening. Then I loud cracking sound appeared and something fell through the window onto the bed with a loud boom and more cracks.

“What was that?” I asked after recovering from the shock. The light was turned on then and everyone was in the room. I looked first at them and then at our bed or the remains of it. There was a huge branch of one of the big oak trees surrounding our house on it and through the window. The broken glass was everywhere and parts of the bed were scattered around the room. “Woah.” I looked up into Carlisle’s face. He looked very worried at me and was as shocked as I was. Alice was next to him.
“That was a close call,” Carlisle said quietly and looked at Alice. “Thank you,” he said to her fervently.
“We’re lucky that I saw that early enough, a second later and it could have been too late.” I shuddered at that thought. I then looked down at myself and blushed deeply.
“Ehm,” I started and tried to cover myself.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Carlisle said and turned us back from the others as Edward threw a blanket over to us where I wrapped myself in. Thank you I said to Edward in my thoughts. He smiled and nodded in my direction.

I once again looked at our former bed. I held Carlisle closer to me and lay my head on his shoulder which was easy being still in his arms.

“Sometimes one could really think that someone has something against our family,” Jasper muttered.
“I know, every time we live in our perfect bubble something bad has to happen,” I whispered, but the others could hear me perfectly.
“At least we could prevent every incident so far,” Alice smiled, but she still seemed shocked as well.

“Esme, ssh. Everything will be fine,” Carlisle cooed and rocked me lightly. I looked up at him confused. I was okay, I was maybe shocked but still.

“You are shaking like crazy, your heart beats frantically and you are totally pale,” Edward told me. Carlisle looked at him confused. “She hasn’t noticed it,” he answered his unspoken question. My husband then looked even more worried down at me. I took a deep breath and pressed my nose against his chest to inhale his sent, it has always calmed me down and it worked this time as well. Edward smiled approvingly at me.

“I think Esme should still sleep. Maybe that might help as well,” Alice said and walked over to Jasper in a fashion that was totally unusual for her. I nodded, because I didn’t trust my ability to speak properly right now.
“You can take our room,” Jasper offered. He led the way and Carlisle followed him. Then Jasper left the room and Alice came in and helped Carlisle to dress me in some pajamas. It wasn’t like I couldn’t do it myself, but I was still shaking uncontrollably and that made dressing pretty much difficult.

“Thank you, Alice,” I said after she has even brushed my hair.
“I would do anything for you, Esme. You cannot imagine how relieved I am that nothing has happened to you,” she said and tears formed in her eyes. I hugged her a bit shakily but whole-heartedly.

“Try to sleep,” she said and kissed my cheek, before she also left the room. Carlisle stopped her for a second in the threshold and embraced her.

The rest of the night or what was left of it, I slept more or less well. I thrashed around and kept having pictures of that tree falling onto us in my head. When I woke up it was still very early, but I couldn’t sleep anymore. I looked around and was a bit disoriented, because I was in Alice’s and Jasper’s room. I walked outside and stretched.

“This cannot happen anymore. I don’t want to have to worry even more about her well being. How should I foresee that a tree might fall through our bedroom window?” Carlisle said desperately. From the way he spoke, he was probably having his face in his hands.

“You can’t,” Rosalie answered simply. “We cannot know everything. Alice may have the ability to know more than possible, but she can’t know everything as well.”

“I know I don’t give you all the fault. I… So much has happened already in just one year that could have ripped Esme away from me forever.”

“But we were always there to prevent it, like Alice said last night. Somehow we are all prone to accidents,” Edward said and patted his shoulder. I could already see them, as I was walking down the stairs.

They all looked up at me. Carlisle rushed towards me in a swift move and hugged me. “I’m fine,” I comforted him.
“This time,” he whispered, but so low that I couldn’t be sure.
“I love you,” I whispered into his ear and clutched his shoulders. He easily lifted me up to his height.
“I love you, too,” he said and hugged me against him again.

I was over his shoulder now and watched the others looking at us. They smiled at me.

Emmett then walked in from the kitchen with Carlie in his arms. “Morning,” he greeted me. Carlie’s head turned to our direction and she laughed. She looked at Emmett and back to me. She stretched her arms to me, but Emmett didn’t seem to notice as he was talking to Rose.

She returned back to look at me and started to cry loudly. She hasn’t done that often, only two or three times before. And normally she only cried like that when she was really upset about something.

I wiggled myself free from Carlisle’s embrace and he set me down. I ran to Emmett and took Carlie from him. Everyone surrounded us to see what was wrong with her. She cuddled her face to my chest and stopped crying at once. A single tear ran down her face. I softly wiped it away with a kiss.

“What is it? Is she hurt? Have I done something wrong? Come on people, talk to me,” Emmett boomed.
“Emmett, you have to give people time to answer,” Edward chuckled.
“So, enough time now; what is it?” he asked again.
“She only missed her parents,” Bella said and hugged Renesmee to her. Carlisle pushed gently through the others and stood next to me so that Carlie was exactly in the middle of us. She took Carlisle’s finger and smiled at both of us.

It seems as if all odds are against Esme...

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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