Chapter 77 -Carlie's First Birthday/Part 2: Sweet Surprise-

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This will be most probably the last chapter (apart from the epilogue) of Marvellous Days! I hope you like it.

Carlisle swept me up into his arms as soon as we were out of the nursery. I giggled and kissed his neck. “I love you,” I whispered. “I love you, too,” he chuckled and kissed my hair. But instead of going downstairs, Carlisle carried me into our bedroom. I looked at him confused but he just had a huge smile on his face. Just then I noticed Alice standing at the vanity waiting for us. Carlisle set me down on my feet carefully and took my hand instead. “We should get you ready for Bella and Edward’s anniversary,” she smiled. “Okay,” I answered unsure. Carlisle waved and then left the room, leaving me alone with Alice.

Alice dressed me in a night blue floor length dress that had a neckline with glitter so that it sparkled in the light. It was fastened behind the neck so that my shoulders were uncovered. Alice put the earrings Carlisle had given to me on our anniversary in and made my makeup and hair. Alice even made my nails so that they were a glittery night blue. I got up and Alice towed me to the mirror.

The dress flowed nicely down my form, neither hiding nor accenting the baby bulge. My hair was left down but for the front part that was in some kind of braid pinned back. Alice had made me curls that flowed around my face. This type of hairdo reminded me much of the time I had worn my hair like that in the 20s in the first years of our marriage. She hadn’t put much makeup on, just some to accent my eyes. “Do you like it?” Alice asked excitedly. “Yes,” I said and couldn’t hide the smile.

“Then you only need the shoes,” she said and disappeared in my closet. Oh, please no high heels, I thought, but there was Alice again with a pair of sparkling silver sandals. “It is the kind of shoes I wouldn't have chosen normally, but I think it is the best solution for now,” she told me and put the shoes on my feet. “Oh, and don’t forget this,” Alice said and put the crest bracelet around my wrist together with the charm bracelet that I was wearing every day. Then she guided me down the stairs and we walked into the garden.

The entire decoration from Carlie’s party had already been removed and it looked like a totally different garden. The canopy was now looking like a sky full of stars with the twinkling lights. The pavilion was converted into a dance floor and had twinkling lights as well. The motto of the anniversary was their meadow apparently. The dishes and the buffet table were covered with bouquets of wild flowers in crystal bowls. The colors were ranging from lavender to dark blue and white. The tables itself had tablecloths like the ones on their wedding. It was all very well arranged and lovely.

I searched the groups of people for Edward and Bella, but I could only find Renesmee standing next to Rose and Kate. And I noticed one other thing: no one else was dressed differently than at Carlie’s party. I was the only one… Suddenly I felt cold arms wrapping around my waist and lips kissing my hair. I turned around looked right into Carlisle’s golden eyes. He had also changed his clothes so that he was wearing dark blue trousers with a dark blue jacket and I light blue button down shirt; His outfit fitted perfectly to mine. “You look stunning tonight, my love,” he whispered and leaned down for a kiss. I kissed him passionately and momentarily forgot my bewilderment over the dress…

Suddenly everyone clapped and Carlisle spun as around just in time to see Bella and Edward coming into the garden. He wore dark trousers and a dark blue button down shirt and Bella wore a short dark blue dress fitting to his outfit. Her hair was left down in curls. The most beautiful accessory she wore though was her smile. She smiled often of course, but this smile was different; it was a happy and loving but also a proud smile. Edward leaned down and kissed her shortly. Then they were hugged by their daughter.

We all talked in small groups and laughed. Carlisle never left my side, always holding me to him at the waist. Then we walked over to Edward and Bella to give them our present. Bella had already gotten jewelry and so on. I hugged both proudly and then Carlisle gave them the envelope. “Another envelope,” Edward laughed. “Well, we haven’t thought that you would give us one as well,” I laughed. Bella opened it and showed it then to Edward, who smiled. We had gotten them hotel and plane tickets to Paris for this weekend as kind of a second honeymoon. Bella hugged me and then Carlisle. Edward did the same. “Thank you, I really wanted to go to Paris again,” Bella smiled. Bella and I talked about what nice places they could visit in Paris, but I was also listening to Carlisle and Edward. Carlisle was throwing glances in my direction the entire time and they were whispering so quietly that I couldn’t understand anything, but then I was distracted by Renesmee, who wanted to talk to me.

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