21.Nothing Like Us...

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Jennie POV

Taehyung told me to wait at the park. It's a bit cold and windy. I buried my face to my scarf. I feel nervous about this. What if...It goes wrong..?

"Jennie..?" I turn around and saw Taehyung with Pink beannie. He scrunched his nose. I smile warmly to him. He flashes me his boxy smile.

"Tae..I'm sorry, i didn't mean to disturb you..It's just that.."

"Jennie..It's okay, really..." I stare at my trembling hand. I hid it in my back, afraid Taehyung will saw it. Little did i know, my lips are trembling too. Taehyung chuckles at me. I look at his eyes.

"Wha..what so funny..?"

"Are you cold..?"

"No.." Suddenly he took my hand and blew it. I blush at his action. 

"So..Tae..I'm..sorry..I left you..I never wanted this to happen...I.." Tears forming from my eyes and fall down like a river. Taehyung look at me worriedly.


"Let me finish this first okay..?" He nod his head. I continue talking while sniffling.

"My father..He wanted me to study abroad in New Zealand..I've already refuse his offer, but you know, my dad, he is so stubborn, so i couldn't say no..." I chuckles sadly. 

"So yeah, i...I try to get rid of you, i cannot let you hurt by me....I know you don't like long distance relationship...I want you to be happy, Kim Taehyung oppa...." 

"You're so stupid Kim Jennie.." He laugh and i saw a tears glistening in his eyes. 

"Why don't you tell me the truth..? I've been waiting for years and years for you to come back...You are my happiness...When i saw you there, in tv, i knew you are back, and i'm proud of you..Do you remember when your first debut, i receive many chocolate cakes..? I buy it for you, Kim Jennie...I want you to be happy, even though...You are not mine anymore...."

"Tae..I.." Suddenly he wrapped his arm around my petite body. I could hear his hearbeat faster. I cried sadly in his chest. He sob silently. I know, he cried, i could feel his tears in my head. 

"Jen..You know i want you to be happy, you know that right..?"

"Yeah..Thank you, Tae oppa..." We hug in the coldest night. Keeping each other warm. The truth is, i never felt this kind of feeling, it's like the weight in my shoulders dissapear....I felt relieved and happy..I should've have told him before....Well, there's no turning back now...One thing for sure, we are different from others, 

There's nothing like us...

"So...want to eat dinner with me..?" I look up and smile.

"Sure..! Let's go!"

How is your day everyone..? I've been pretty busy lately, sorry for late post..:D

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