𝒲ℯ𝓉 𝒟𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓂? 𝚢𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔

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Jungkook——— (𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍)

   I went home after a long day at school, sighing as I throw my bag to the couch."God, why does he keeps giving us homework? Fuck it, I'll just do it tomorrow."

   Walking with a slouch shoulders up the stairs, I went to my room and immediately plop down to my bed. The bed sink slowly as I drifted off to dreamland.

   "A-ah hy-hyung!" I arch my back, sweats rolling down my forehead and body heated up.

  He grip my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his. Yoongi smirked, tongue sticking out to lick his dry lips before leaning down to capture mine. I moaned at the contact, hand wrapped around his neck so we can go deeper.

   "How do you feel hm?" Raising my leg in the air while pinning the other down, Yoongi thrust his hips forward.

   "H-hyung!-" my eyes immediately turns blurred, tears of pleasure are forming.

   He keep pounding my ass in inhuman pace making me feel lost in the intense pleasure. He chuckled, lean down to bite my pale neck making me a moaning mess under his touch.

   "You like it? You like it don't you? When I'm fucking you hard like this?" I just moaned in response but yelped as he slapped my ass cheek hard.

    "Answer me!" He slapped again harder this time.

   "Y-yes a-ah hyung more!"

   I always want this to happen and that is to be fucked by my stepbrother, but this dream felt so real.

   "Kookie...Jungkook-ah...JEON JUNGKOOK!" I opened my eyes, breathing heavily as I look the ceiling.

   I raise my head up to see where's the voice coming from, only to see Yoongi hyung at the door frame.

   He stared at me with a smirk on his face. "Whoa, do you have a wet dream about me?" my face becomes flushed red.

   "You even got a boner."

   His figure approach me and push me down so that I lay on my back with him hovering over me eyes filled with lust. He started to kiss and lick my neck until he found my sweet spot. I accidentally let out a whimper, feeling his teeth grazing over them.

   "Hyu-hy— a-ah!"

   His pull back for a moment and took his clothes, revealing his torso and his abs. Yoongi was a person who's rarely work out but I can tell that he's try to keep in good shape. My eyes darted down at his bulge, that looks painful.

   I unknowingly raise my hand, placing them on his bulge resulting a groan. My eyes widened in shock. "Shit! Sorry—"

   "Don't be, you'll take care of this anyway." Grabbing a lube from my nighstand, he lube up his fingers.

   Don't tell Yoongi this but, I usually masturbate to him every night. Which explains why there's lube on the nighstand.

   "I'll prepare you first." Pushing in 2 fingers, I hissed slightly at the pain. It's a small pain but it's still there.

   He move them for a few minutes, trying to comfort me at the same time by whispering sweet words.

   Not long enough, a tiny amount of pleasure is present with a hint of pain. I sighed softly, "H-hyung, y-you can add one more- n-NGah!" My stomach churns heavily when he found the spots.

   "Found it." He whispers before jabbing his fingers into my prostate harshly. "A-ah h-Hyu!- f-FUCK! A-aHa hAH!"


   "I f-feel like cumming!-" As I was about to cum, he pull out making me whine.

   "Sh sh, I don't want you to cum just yet." Pushing in a slightly bigger object, I shut my eyes tight close because obviously it's going to be much more painful than his fingers.

   "You're doing good baby." Feeling our hands entwined together, he picks up the pace.

   "N-ngh hah ah! A-Ah!~" hazily looking at Yoongi, his black hair is sticking to his sweaty forehead. His muscles keeps contract and relax due to the movement.

  "H-hyung-" Yoongi look down on me.

   "I-I a-ah I want y-you to n-ngh ah c-choke me h-hyung." His eyes widened, but I can tell.

   Yoongi hyung has a sadistic side in him.

   Next thing I know, he wrap his hand around my neck. Gently squeezing my neck before squeezing them tightly, but not tight enough to actually hurt me.

   My body shivers when he fucked me hard and rough, but also choke me. I feel my climax is nearing and my body are giving up.

   "C-cum?" I asked for the permission.

   "Cum for me baby." He squeeze me one last time making me burst my load into our chests.

   He gave me a couple more thrusts before cumming inside me, the room is now filled with heavy breathing. "Did I hurt you?"

   I shook my head no and he sighed in relief.

   "Come here and cuddle with me." I giggled, entering his embrace and immediately fall asleep.

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