•Serious• [2Seok]

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   "Ah hyung! Please focus." Hoseok staring at me seriously probably because i didn't focus on our dance practice. "Sorry Hoseok-ah." he sigh and nod "It's okay hyung."

   After our dance practice done, we went home to our dorm. We all washed up and some of them wait in their room while i cooked dinner. I cooked Samgyeopsal, kimchi and fried egg. I called all member and they come downstairs to eat "It's delicious hyung." Jungkook moan at the food while i chuckled "Thanks kookie but slow down or else you'll choked." he nod and continue eating.

   After eating, they all went upstairs to their room while I'm washing the dishes. I'm tired.. "Need help?" i turn around and saw Hoseok with his serious face again making shiver run down my spine. "Y-yeah." i curse myself for stuttering.

   He went next to me and help me wash the dishes. "You look serious all the time, what's wrong?" Hoseok look at me up and down then whispered on my left ear "Why don't you went to my room later and find out hyung." he clean himself and went to his room. Other member's room upstairs while me and Hoseok's are downstairs.

   I went inside his room feeling a bit nervous, his room is dark so i can't really see. "H-Hoseok?" i gasp when i felt someone pinned me on the wall. "Relax, it's just me." I sigh in relief when i heard his voice "What are you doi-"

   "You didn't focus today hyung and you make me tired. " I chuckled "I'm sorry hobi-ah." "I'm serious hyung." i shut up for a moment when i realise he's serious "Oh I'm sorry, what can i do for you Hoseok-ah?"

   He licked my neck and sucked on it making me moan a bit "I want you hyung." his hand went under my shirt to my pink bud and twist or pulling on it. I whimpered a bit but nod at him "O-okay." he kiss me and force my mouth to open and let him in.

   I moaned in suprise when his hand went inside my pants and took my cock into his hand, moving it up and down. "F-faster hobi~I want you p-please ah~" he pull my pants down leaving me in my white shirt only.

   He push two fingers inside me without warning making me hiss in pain "Ah! Wait!" he ignored and keep doing "You can take it hyung." i moaned when he find my prostate and start to abuse it.
"Hoseok Ah! Mm nghh more~"
He pull out and started to pull down his pants and boxers. He push into me and start thrust not letting me adjusted, my eyes waters and tears roll down my cheeks.

   He notices and kiss my tears away while whispering sweet things next to my ears. "I love you hyung and it'll feel better later i promise." i nod and the pleasure feelings start to form. "Hobi~ right t-there!" he hit that spot repeatedly making me sob in pleasure and soon cum on my shirt. After a couple of thrust he cum inside of me and we both taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry did i hurt you?" i shook my head at him "I'm okay."

   He pull out and lay next to me hugging me close. "Sleep well, i love you hyung~" i smiled at him "I love you too hobi~" we both sleep in peace.

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