•Trust• [Jinkook]

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   I was walking on the street after a long stress day at work and decided to go for a walk. I saw a cafe in front of me and went inside to get a Caramel Machiato and sit next to the window and look outside, watching couple's holding hand, mother with their child or people doing their own business until my eyes landed on a flower shop across the street.

   There's standing a man with pink hair, wearing a black jeans and white button up shirt to top it up with a pair of blue sneakers. I think he's the owner, he looks so perfect when watering the flowers. But then he caught me staring at him without blinking and he blushed then quickly went inside the shop making me smirked.

   I went out of the cafe and went to the flower shop, i saw the pink hair guy was cleaning the shop so i went behind him and whispered to his right ear. "Hey there, what's your name?" He jumped probably shocked by my presence but then blushed when he saw me. "h-hi, it's J-Jin. You?"

   "Jin huh? Well mine is Jungkook, do you wanna meet me tonight you know to get to know each other." He giggled cutely making my heart flutter, oh god.. What did he do to me? "Hmm okay. We closed at 7pm can you pick me up?" I nodded and i decided to leave and get ready since i don't want to disturb his work.

   When it's 7pm, i went using my car and pick Jin from work. Tonight, I'll bring him to my house and make both of us a dinner. When we eat our food we actually told each other about yourself and i kinda enjoy his presence and i think he's feeling the same.

   After he wants to help me doing the dishes and i kindly accepted and we washed together full of laughing toward a cheesy jokes. Then we decided to watched movie called 50 shades darker, after a few minutes watching the erotic scene comes up and i felt uncomfortable. I look next to me to find Jin staring at me with a pink dust on his cheeks.. Cute.. "Um kookie?" I hummed in respond "How's that feeling when you're doing it? I wanna know, many guys said that it feels good and they offered me to do it with them but i rejected them cause i don't trust anyone." i sigh in relief "Good."

   But then i almost choke on my saliva when he asked me something. "But i trusted you kookie, c-can we do i-it? Please?"
Without any word i kiss him on the lips gently.

   He gasp when i grop his ass and i took change to slip in my tongue and explore his wet cavern and suck his tongue making him moaned. His moaned making my dick even hard, i quickly took our clothes off and bring him to my bedroom.

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