•Too Much• [Vmon]

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V Pov.

"Ahh~Hy-hyungie.. Nggh! Ah!" I keep moaning as he keep bashing into my prostate. We already had 5 rounds and he still won't stop and satisfied.

How come he had a lot of energy and I'm so senstive now. Now I'm in a doggy style while he holding my waist.

"Ah! Y-you like it don't you my little slut?" I nodded but screamed when he slapped my ass and watched as it jiggle. "Answer me!"

"Hmm! Y-yes ah! Yes i do Master! Ahh please stop I'm so sensitive!" he keep slapping my ass while I'm moaning in pain and pleasure.

"You don't tell me what to do!" Soon i feel my climax forming as i clench around him. I moaned loudly as i cum around the floor.

Master moaned deeply and cum inside me, he pull out and i fell to the floor breathing tiredly.

He carried me to the bed and i whined for warmth, soon he come lay next to me and hugged me close giving me warmth. Even though he's rough, he's still soft at the same time.

"I love you Master.." Namjoon hyung kiss me and smiled lovingly at me.

"Love you too..babyboy" we both fell asleep in each other warmth.

A/N: sorry for not updating in such a long time.. And sorry if it's short.

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