Best Friend [JinKook]

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‘Kookie!’ I smiled and waved at Jin hyung who’s proudly smiling at me as I walked down the stairs.

Today was my graduation day and I pass all of my subject and I’m proud as hell. Jin hyung even promise to take me to eat lamb skewers. I really love my best friend Jin, he’s like a brother to me and I hope our relationship stays forever. But I have a problem and that is I fell in love with him, Jin hyung my brother, my best friend and my everything.

I wanted to express my love but afraid that he’ll found me disgusting and stuff or what if he leave me one day in the darkness? That will be the worst day of my life. Jin hyung is my first love and best friend, he understand me the way that no other people will. That’s why I just decided to let it go and not make things worst between us both.

I run and jumped at him, smiling as he laughed. His wind shield laugh can also makes my day even brighter than it’s already is. I hugged him tightly and snuggled my face to his neck, sniffing his scent that can make any girls down to their knees. He rubbed my back and pull away although I did not like it, I just smiled as if it doesn’t effect me.

‘Congratulations my dear Kookie!’ I blushed at his words but push that away.

‘Thank you hyung!’ he grabbed my hands and walked outside to his car.

We held hands a lot before but this is the first time I feel giddy, the way his large hands wrapped around mine makes me feel warm. I wish we’re a couple so we can do this everyday or anytime I want. That won’t be bad right?

He drive us to the restaurant that we’ve always been ever since we’re became friends… well more like best friends. I ate a lot of lamb skewers and he just laughed at my puffy face as I shoved more into my mouth. After that, he take me to the Seoul park. There aren’t a lot of people and I’m glad because I wanted to spend the whole day with only Jin hyung and no one else.

We sit on a bench just staring at the blue sky and some pigeons that fly through, I grinned at Jin hyung who’s just innocently stared to the ground. I’ve always wanted to ask Jin hyung a question but I’m afraid but today I’ll overcome the fear itself.

‘Hyung? Why are you still single? Why don’t you date someone?’ I know that the answer would hurt me in any possible way but I’ll fight it.

‘I actually waiting for someone.’ I painfully smiled and nodded.

‘Why don’t you?’ he chuckled.

‘I’m afraid he won’t feel the same way.’ I widened my eyes.

It’s a guy, that guy must be lucky to have him as a boyfriend.

Jin hyung hand find it way to mine and hold it making me giggled.

Is it me that you’re looking for hmm?’ I wiggled my eyebrows as I joke.

‘Maybe.’ I widened my eyes.

‘H-Hyung, are yo-’ I felt his lips on mine making me silently gasped at the new feeling.

I move my lips following his movement until he bit my lips softly making me unexpectedly moaned against his lips. He smirked and pull away almost making me whined at the loss.


'Yes you Kookie.' my heart flattered at his words.

'I love you too hyung.' i kiss his lips.

I don't know what happened but soon we found ourself kiss in his house. I moaned as his hands trailing down my shirt to my sensitive nipples and play with them.

'Aah~ ngh H-hyung!' he pull away from the kiss and went down to carry me bridal style.

Fuck! Just looking at him carry me with his muscle flexing under his black button shirt and some of it are unbuttoned which exposed his chest. I moaned at the view and kiss his neck, can't control myself from giving him hickeys.

'Fuck i love you so much!' i giggled and nodded.

'Love you too daddy.' he growled as he grabbed my clothed member.

I moaned as i bucked my hips more into his hands as he massage my dick.

'Hmm! More~' he striped his body away from his clothes and did the same to mine.

He quickly grabbed a lube from his nightstand and shoved his three fingers immediately inside me hitting my prostate dead on.

I moaned out loud and thrust my hips into his hands more, gripping his shoulders tightly and keep on moaning mess under him.

As i was about to cum, i felt something large went inside me. It was his dick, a large one thrusting inside me.

'H-hyung! Ah! Nggh gahh! Hyung mngh m-more AH!! There!!' i cummed hard as he keep abusing my poor prostate with his dick.

Soon a warm liquid entered me making me moaned at the best feelings in the world.

'Fuck~' i watch lustly at Jin hyung making him chuckled.

'Bet you cummed hard huh?' i blushed.

'For you only.' his eyes darkened.

'Better be.' i laughed and soon we both fell asleep in his arms.

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