•Bully• [Jinmin]

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   I look in front of me which is my school. I sigh and went inside and took my books from my locker. Just as i was about to leave someone push me to the locker hard making me hiss in pain. "Hello nerd."

   I opened my eyes and saw Kim Seokjin the bully wait no.. My bully. Ever since i moved here he keep bully me with his group of friends. I don't even know what I've did wrong to him. "What do you want?" i raise an eyebrow at him making him laughed. "Oh look you actually talked. I want to bully you like always you know." i sigh but then nodded "Then do it cause i want to get to class." he smirked "Actually about that, Mr.Lee wanted to ask you to tutor me but i told him that you'll agreed. He believed me so now you're mine all day." i widened my eyes at him. "I'll never agree!" he rolled his eyes but then pull me to his car and force me went inside and i did.

   He went to the driver side and started driving probably to his house. When we arrived he pulled me out of the car and bring me inside his house. I look around his house and observe, it's very clean and i feel so homely. "Wait for me at the couch while i change." i nodded and sit down on the white couch. I saw a big album next to me and i took it. I opened the first page and read it. "Park Jimin💜" My eyes widened, what is this? I turn next page and felt scared. All of them is my picture, how did he get this? He's creeping me out but then i felt hot breath on my neck making me shiver. "Umm let see... i asked you to sit on the couch but instead you've touched my things without my permission. You need to be punished Jimin." i shook my head and look at him. "what's this? Where did you get this?" my eyes is full of tears.

   He wipe my tears away and smiled sweetly at me. "Well let's just say that i love you since the day you moved in and i took pictures of you secretly." he sat next to me and pull me to his chest. "No! I know you're lying, you're trying to prank me aren't you?" he shook his head and peck my lips making me widened my eyes. He took my first kiss.

   "It's not a prank baby, i love you so much. Let me show you how much i love you." he kiss me in the lips gently while holding my waist. I slowly put my hands around his neck and kiss him back shyly making him smirk in the kiss. He lick my bottom lip asking for entrance and i let his wet tongue in. We both fought in dominance but of course he won, he took our clothes off and lay me down on the couch.

   He look at me serious "Do you want this i won't force you though." i shook my head "No please i want this." he took the lube under the couch making me laugh. "Hey, i put many around this house so that i can fuck you anywhere anytime babe." he smirked and i hit his chest playfully. He lube his fingers and kiss me while he put one in me, i moaned in the kiss and he took change to slip his tongue in. He put another one in and soon another and another till there's 4 fingers deep inside me. I felt my climax coming but he pull away. "why did you do that?!" he chuckled "Relax baby you're gonna have something bigger inside you don't worry." i blushed by his word. He push his length inside me and i moan loudly.

   He thrust faster inside me hitting my prostate hard and I'm loving it. "Nggh ah! S-so good mm a-ah!" my climax soon form again and i cum, some landing on my chest and the couch. He held my hip and a few thrust later he cum inside me making me feel so full.

   He pull out and we both taking our breath. "So what are we now?" he look to me and smiled "Boyfriends?" i chuckle "Boyfriends it is."

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