•Depressed• [Vkook Pt 2]

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   Jungkook went home and i can feel the dark aura around him "Hey what's wrong?" Jungkook ran to me and cried on my chest while i pat his back calmly. "Someone throw the book you gave me hyung! I love that book, it's my favorite." he cried more and i smiled.

   I carry him bridal style to my room and lay him down on my bed. Ever since that day we met, i ask him to live with me and he agrees. "H-hyung?" "Shh want me to make you feel better kookie?" he nod at me "O-okay."

   I kiss his neck try to find his sweet spot and he moan when i found the spot. Bingo!  I suck on it creating a dark hickey while he keeps moaning and my dick getting hard. "Hy-hyung." i took off his clothes and palm his dick on my hand. "hyung~ nggh ah!" i took the lube from my drawer and lube my fingers then stick one in him but i wait a bit since he's a virgin and I'm glad to be his first.

   I put the second fingers in and soon another and he began to moaning mess under me making a beautiful sight. I soon add another until there's 4 fingers knuckles deep inside him. Hitting his prostate making he sob in pleasure, i pull out my fingers making he whine "Patient baby."

   I put the condom on my dick and push in slowly inside him, after i done completely i wait letting him adjust. "M-move hyung." i thrust slowly then after a few minutes, i change my pace into fast pace. "Ah! Hy-hyung nggh Oh gosh! Mm right t-there!" i hit that spot hard and fast making him mewl.

   Soon he cums hard while screaming my name "Taehyung!" after a couple of thrust i cum inside of him. I pull out and threw the condom out and cleaned us up using a wet towel. I lay next to him and cuddle with him. "I love you hyung." Jungkook said sleepily and sleep peacefully while i chuckle "I love you too baby." i followed him to dreamland.

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