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Jimin———  (𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍)

Huffing slighly, staring up at the plain white ceiling in boredom. My feet dangling off the chair as I try to find ideas that'll keep me busy. Should I paint? Nah, besides I'll get dirty again like last time and boy, daddy was pissed.

Not a good experience if I do say so myself.

Should I try dancing? Hell no, the last time I do dancing I almost knock down daddy's vase that he got from Japan.

Maybe cooking? That's a definite no.

I cringe as my mind drift off to the messy kitchen and burned oven last 2 months. I groaned, ruffling my pink hair. 'what should I do then?!'

I miss dadd— wait.

That's it!

Let's prank daddy!

I happily jump off the couch and dashed to our shared room. Evily laughing as I took out a pale blue box from the closet and place it carefully on the bed. I open them and eye scanned through all the toys inside. I took out a vibrator and a black blindfold before running towards the bathroom. I put on red thong because that's daddy's favourite.

I set a camera on the table not far away from the bed but enough to catch me on camera. I hit the record button and quickly put on the blindfold, it's black but see through fortunately. (Gojo Satoru has entered the chat)

I look at the camera and raised my legs in the air, exposing the buttplug that I put on this morning. "D-daddy."

I took off my shorts, hand engulfing my hardened cock and immediately jerk myself off. I let out loud moans and whimpers so that the camera can hear me. I shakily try to find the vibrator and set it to the max speed. I aim it towards my sensitive tip and immediately cum, I try to be a good boy and keep the vibrator going.

"D-daDDY! a-AH~ f-feels G-Good!~ ah~." I lifted my white dress shirt slightly, fingers attached to my nipples and twist them.

"D-daddy I-I n-need y-YOU!" My head become hazy.

Fingers twisting my nipples, vibrator on my cock, it didn't took me long enough to come again.

I breathe shakily as I took off the blindfold, walking wobbly towards the camera, pose a peace sign before ending it. I send the video to daddy before falling to the floor, tired.


I look down to my phone and notice that daddy has texted me.

Daddy: I'm on my way babyboy, seems like you forgot our rules about no touching yourself.

I smiled tiredly, eyes closed as I wait for daddy to arrive.

'Ah, I'm tired.'


"Mmh! N-ngah! N-no mo-more p-please?" I whimpered as daddy keeps continue to suck now my limping cock.

"No more? But you were such a slut this morning asking for me." I cried out when his fingers fucked my inside.

I cover my eyes with my both arms as tears running down my red cheeks.

I remember passing out on the floor and next thing I know, daddy was fucking me on the bed. It's been 4 hours and daddy won't stop.

"Don't cover your face." My arms were lifted and my teary eyes meet his brown ones.

"You look so beautiful with tears decorating your faces babyboy." I blushed at the compliments, only to whimpers when daddy remove his fingers, replacing it with his huge thick cock.

Daddy lifted my body off the bed so that I was hugging him, I hid my face on his neck before hiccuping slightly. "Beautiful— just beautiful."

Daddy roughly thrust his hips up, I moaned weakly feeling liquid leaving my hole.

'Daddy's cum feels so warm.' I hummed quietly.

"Baby you feel so tight, never fails to make me feel good. What a good baby boy you are, such a good boy."

My body feels happy at the compliment and praises, I wrapped my arm tighter around him before fucking myself on his cock.

"A-ah~ d-daddy." I fucked myself faster and harder.

I throw my head back before squirting my load, I let out a sniffles and sob due to the overstimulation.

"Do you want my cum baby?" I needily nod.

I whine softly as liquid filled my insides, daddy rub my back as he carry me to the bathroom.

"Let me clean you up." Daddy clean me throughly in the bathroom.

He then proceed to put sweater and briefs on me, before laying me down on the now cleaned new sheets. Daddy laid down next to me, giving me a soft peck.

"How do you feel? Need water?" I shake my head no.

"Kisses." He chuckles.



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