•Trust• [Jinkook pt 2]

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   I put him gently on the bed and suck on his neck creating a hickey, i went to my drawer and went back to him with condom and lube. I lube my fingers and stick one in him but silence him with kisses when he hissed in pain. I put another one and he moaned out "More kookie a-ah."
Then without warning i put four fingers in him and pump it in and out at fast pace leaving him moaning mess under me.

   Damn he looks hot and sexy right now and i can't wait to fuck him. I took out my fingers and he whined, i chuckled at his behavior and then push my length inside of him and let him adjusted to my size since im huge.

   "M-move please" i thrust slowly at first then change it to faster face as he sobbed in pleasure making me smirked in victory. "Ah you like it don't you? Me fucking you hard and no one can touch you like this. You're mine now only mine!" i fucked him hard and deep hitting his prostate at every thrust making him scream and held the bed sheet tightly till his knuckles turn white.

   "I-im close ah hah! Wanna c-cum kookie! Ah" he moaned out and i thrust even faster making him cum hard while screamed out my name and soon i come hard. I gave him a peck at his forehead then went to clean us up.

   I lay next to him and pull him into my embrace. He hugged me and i caressed his face and soon he lean to it. "Hey Jin? Wanna be my boyfriend?" his eyes widened and nodded with tears in his beautiful eyes. "Yes kookie."

   "Good cause you're mine now." he laughed and hit my arm playfully. "Yes, I'm yours."

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