50 shades of Yoonmin [YoonMin]

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I giggled when the television showing a cartoon hit his own friends and soon they all turn into a bunch of funny looking animals. I heard the door slam shut and i turned around facing my daddy.

"Hello babyboy, how's your day?" i giggled and ran to him hugging his body.

"Haha Jiminie, i miss you."

"Me too daddy." i peck his cheeks.

"Wanna watch something?" I laughed and nodded happily.

He sit me down on the couch and he put on some movie and it's called 50 shades of Grey. Hmm... never seen it before, Yoongi smirked at my confused faces as he sits down.

The movie started and half way through the movie, and erotic scene coming up and i blushed. The man pull down the woman's panty and kiss her stomach slowly went upwards.

"D-daddy?" he hummed.

"What are t-they-"

"Just watched babyboy.."


The woman's scream in pleasure and i can feel my cock's twitched making me shift uncomfortably on the couch. I really wanted to know how her feel. Is it good and pleasurable?

"Daddy? Have you tried it?" he laughed and stared me with a full lust eyes.

"No but i wanted to try with you."

He carry me over his shoulders and i yelped surprised. We went into his office that he'd never wanted me to went inside. Creepy and it's making me confused.

"Hm, welcome to my office babyboy." he put me to my feet and my eyes widened.

it's a room full of toys and a dildo machine. More like the left side of the wall there's located a two rings made of metal stick to the wall. I guess it's for hands to be handcuffed there. The right side of the wall there's many different toys you can find, dildo, buttplugs and cockrings and others.

Wow Yoongi is kinky but awesome and it's turning me on so bad.

"Kinky daddy." he chuckled and look into my eyes.

"Do you want to babyboy?" i bit my lips when i saw his dark and lustful stare.

"Yes daddy, i want to.." he smirked and in a second my clothes are gone.

He cuffs my hands to the two rings that was on the wall and blindfolded me using a lace fabric. I tried to move around but then he slapped my ass hard making me jerked backwards. I hiss in pain while his hands went down to smooth it ease the pain. I sighed as he took off his dark green dress shirt and purple dress pants.

I love his abs and toned body, i licked my lips and he chuckled.

"You slut." my cock hardened in a second and i whimpered.

"Daddy, please fuck me." he tsk me and grabbed my cheeks in his both hands.

"No, babyboy I'll prep you first." he went to the side of the wall grabbing a big pink dildo.

He lubed it up and without warning he slipped it in me making me moaned in pain. He started to move it in and out slowly and i get used to it. I moved my hips towards the dildo, after a good few minutes he pull it out and thrust inside me.

"Oh yeah babyboy! So tight."

I moaned holding his shoulders that i feel under the blindfold. I roll my head back to the wall and i can feel my saliva ran down my neck to my chest. Yoongi took this as a chance to suck and marked my neck as his territory. He leaned in and suck on one spot then pulled away showing a deep purple and blue-ish mark.

"Nggh Ah!" he smirked and sucked more on my neck making me a moaning mess under him.

He wrapped his hand on my neck and another hand on my hair pulling it. He leaned over and i can feel his warm breath on my neck and it's sending shiver ran down my spine.

"You like that don't you little slut?" i nodded but then he slapped my ass hard making me jerked forward.

"Answer me!" i cried out as he hit my prostate.

"Y-yes! I like i-it." He slapped my ass again and i maoned in the combination of pleasure and pain.

"Hmph! Can i c-cum?" He chuckled as his speed increase.

"Hm i don't know, beg for it!" he pull my hair again and a tear went down my cheeks.

"P-please m-master, please let me c-cum!" i sobbed when my cock feel like it's gonna explode.

"Cum." i heard his deep voice and cum hard to the walls.

Soon after three four thrust he came inside and i moaned at the feeling. He sigh as he pull out then took the keys to unlocked the cuffs. He kiss my forehead as he took off the blindfold and threw them somewhere i don't know and i don't care right now because i need sleep after a mind-blowing orgasm i have.

He carried me bridal style to our bedroom and i tried to open my eyes. He lay me down carefully and kiss my forehead making me smiled at his gentleness after what we've done.

"Good night babyboy." I nodded and kiss his cheek.

"G-goodnight daddy." i closed my eyes and feel his warm body pull me closer into his.

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