School [NamKook]

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Jungkook Pov.

I wear my school uniform and grabbed my bag then went to my school. I was very excited since I'm gonna have 3 period of english. I love english because well it's because of the teacher Mr.Kim Namjoon.

He's hot and i fell for him the day i met him. It's kinda funny actually, we bump into each other at the mall and we got each other's number. But then we decided just to be friends cause we'd found out that he's my teacher.


I went inside my class and took my seat which is in front of the class and i can see my crush. How happy i am to be the first came to school.

Since i have 20 minutes before school started, i took out my book and draw the tree from outside the school. It's spring and i love the view, you can see flowers fall from each trees and you can catched them.

I hummed a BTS spring day as i draw and i don't hear a door closed behind me.

'Nice drawing you've got there.' i jumped in surprise but then realized that it was Mr.Kim.

I blushed but didn't let it show. 'T-Thank you'

'Mr.Jeon, i need to talk to you about your results in my class.' i swallowed the lump on my throat.

'Is it bad?A-am i failing?' He chuckled and shook his head as i sigh in relief.

If I'm failing, my parents are gonna kill me.

'Well you didn't fail. You did very well and i must say that you deserve a reward, don't you think?' he hum.

'What kind of reward Mr.Kim?' He smirked and I saw his eyes is full of lust.

'Come here babyboy' that tone send shivers down my spine and i obey his words.

I went infront of him and gasped as he pull me into his lap roughly. I quickly hold his shoulders to balanced myself so i won't fall.

'Mr.Ki-' i was cut by him kissing my lips roughly.

I moaned as i wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him deeper.

'Ah~' he took this as a chance to push his tongue inside my mouth.

We kissed each other like as if we're gonna die. I was so deep into the kiss that i didn't realize he already took off my jeans and boxers. I whine in discomfort and he sushed me.

'Shh babyboy, we don't want people to hear right?' i nod slowly and he smiled.

He took off his button shirts and pants while I'm moaned softly at his tanned body, he chuckled and lay me on his desk.

He took a lube from his drawer and i widened my eyes. 'I save this for you Kookie.' i blushed.

He lube up his fingers and put a digit in me and i moaned. I've been playing with myself about him so i won't be that tight.

Soon he had three in me and i moaned loudly but it was muffled by his big hands so we won't get caught. I cum into his hands, he pull out his fingers and stick them inside my mouth.

I taste my own cum, salty but sweet at the same time. He pull out and put a condom on his large cock that makes my mouth waters.

He pushed slowly into me and i grabbed his shoulders quickly. He kissed me trying to distract me from the pain, soon i wiggled my hips and he thrust me at the steady speed.

'Ah~ah! nggh m-more!' he slapped my eyes and kiss my nipples, pulling and twisting on it.

'Hm! It's Daddy babyboy~ nghh you're tight baby.' i moaned at his words.

'Daddy..g-gonna cum' he growled at my words and kiss me roughly.

The sound of skin slapping can be heard across the room and I gotta say it's making me horny.

'Cum' i released my cum into his torso and he cum inside me.

He pulled out and immediately clean us up using the tissues from the desk.

We put on our clothes and soon the bell ring. Students started to saying hi and i went into my seat not before Mr.Kim whispered something into my ear.

'See me later babyboy, already missing your tight walls' i blushed deeply.

We're sure gonna have some fun later on.

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