•Mate• [Jikook]

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   "Well yeah? You're a cheater!" "You're a slut for your boss!" "So? Like you care!" I sigh again, my parent's always fighting without even care about me. They'll hit each other or throwing stuff at each other and at the end of the day one of them will leave and never come home. I need a break from all of this, i went to my closet and wear a black jacket, blue jeans, brown vans and a white shirt under the jacket. I went outside and went to the woods where i usually calm down and let all my stress away.

   I saw a path that I'd never seen before and it looks a bit creepy but curiosity got me so i went there. I walked deeper into the woods but stop when i heard noise behind me, i was too scared to turn around and freeze on my spot. "You."

   I turn around slowly to see who's the person is but then my vision becomes black and the last thing i heard was "My mate."

   I wake up breathing heavily and look around, a bedroom? It's not mine but it looked like it belongs to someone rich. "You're awake." i jumped a bit by the voice and saw a handsome guy infront of me. He was wearing a black coat under a white shirt, tight black jeans and black timberland. 'Wow i bet he loves black so much'. "Yup you're right, i love black and red." 'What the fuck?! He can read my mind?!' he chuckled deeply making my body shivered. "Yes i can and fuck is not a good word you know." oh god.

   He went up to me and smell me on my neck. "Oh my mate, you smelled so good i can't wait to mark you mine." i widened my eyes at him. "What are you?" he looks at me blankly then realise his mistake. "Oh sorry forgot, I'm Jeon Jungkook king of Demons and you're my mate. So I'm gonna mark you mine and you'll gonna be the Queen of Demons..my Queen." he kiss my neck softly on my sweet spot like he already know my body. I moaned at the feeling but quickly push him away but he's quite strong. He held my hands on his chest and i tried my best to push him but the pleasurable feeling of him sucking my neck makes me weak and i give up.

   "Ah~ mm ngh." he smirked snd hover over me and kiss me on the lips. His lips so soft like a pillow and i like it, he bit my bottom lip and i open my mouth letting him in and explore my wet cavern. "Mm Jungkook ah~ more~" he pull away while I'm breathing heavily on the bed.

   "My mate, will you let me mark you and be mine?" I look at his eyes and shyly nod. "Please, my

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