•Depressed• [Vkook]

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   Today, people bullied my again. They throw my books away, slammed me to the lockers and hit me leaving me in bruises and cuts. I want to die but i know i had to stay strong, i don't have any family member since they all left me saying I'm a mistake and faggot. Yup I'm gay that's why they left.

   I walk down the dark alley and i don't care if someone kill me, I'm tired of this pain. As i walked someone pull me and threw me to the floor "You look pathetic." The guy with the black mask stare at me and took out his knife, he was about to stab me but stop when someone comes and punch him in the face. They mask guy quickly stand up and run away leaving me and the guy who saved me, he looks handsome, blue jacket with a black shirt under it, black rip jeans, blue snikers and black hair.

   "You're okay?!" he help me up with his hands on my arm but i push it away "yeah." i walked away limping since I'm hurt and the guy earlier make it worst "No you're not." he carry me bridal style making me yelp as he carry me away. "Where you're taking me?! " he chuckled a bit "My house, let me treat you there then you can went home if you're okay."

   I glared at him "I am okay!" he hush me up. "No you're not! You're hurt idiot." i shut up as he carry me to his house and i kinda fell asleep on his arms.

   "Hey, wake up." i open my eyes to see the guy lay me on his bed and i sat up. "You fell asleep when I'm treating your wounds and i saw your scars. What happen to you?" shit! He saw my scars. "Umm, my family left me when i told them i was gay and they said that i was a mistake and faggot. So i was under depression that's why i sometimes cut myslef and people will bullied me at school." i was waiting for him to laugh at me but instead i get a hug.

   "Don't worry I'll stay by your side and protect you." i was suprise by his answers "Why and what's your name by the way?" he giggled "Kim Taehyung. You?" i smiled at him "Jeon Jungkook." he hug me again "I wanna help you." "Thanks Tae."

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