Late night pleasure [SugaMon]

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I'm still editing this..

Namjoon Pov.

I took my keys and unlock the door, gently took off my shoes and put them on the shoe rack. I walked inside the dark living room and put my bags at the brown couch.

'Daddy?' I smiled and turned around.

I open my arms and feel a small body running to me then hugged me tightly. I kiss his forehead and pull away making him whined at the coldness.

'Aren't you suppose to be sleeping baby?' I chuckled as my baby nodded quietly with a small pout forming on his cute lips.

'I did daddy..but I want you. You're not there.' a guilty feeling rush through me.

I rarely be at home with him, I'm always working for the money to help us living. He always lonely and I feel bad for not being there for him.

'well, you want to cuddle with daddy Yoonie?' He quickly nodded and I carried him bridal style to our room.

I lay him down on the bed and went next to him. He snuggled right to me for warmth and I immediately wrapped my arms around his tiny waist. I talked to my boss today and he decided to give me a day off tomorrow.

How im glad I can spend the day tomorrow with my baby. I feel him shifting next to me and I confusingly looked as he making a weird noise.

'Ahh~D-daddy' I smirked and grabbed his cock that in his cute lol pajamas.

I gently swipe my finger at his tip and watched as he moaned loudly in his sleep. I chuckled and pumped his cock slowly and soon his eyes fluttered open.

''D-daddy nggh~M-more' I went hovered him and gave him a deep kiss on the lips.

I took off my clothes and he moaned as he stared at my worked out body. His cute hands went up to my abs and went his fingers through them. I smiled as I lube up my fingers and enter a digit inside him.

'Hmph!D-daddy' He hufffed and grabbed the sheet tightly as I enter another one.

I found his prostate and hit it repeatedly making him moaning mess under me. I pull out when I feel his walls getting tighter and he whined.

''Daddy~ I was just g-gon-' I shut him up as I push my thick cock inside him.

His pleasurable face makes me thrust faster and he scratches my back leaving a mark but I don't care anymore.

I keep thrusting and soon feels his wall tighten again and feel it swallowing my cock. I groaned when he screamed my name loudly and came into the sheet.

I cum inside him and ride out our high. He whined in emptiness as I pull out.

'Daddy..Yoonie luvs you' I smiled and kiss his swollen lips.

'Baby, Daddy love you too' we both fell asleep after that with each other's love and adoration.

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