Angel [JiKook]

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I sighed as i placed my forehead on the wall as i leaned on it. I whimpered as the thunder strikes again tonight, getting more louder and rougher. I wrapped my arms around my body even more tighter as i hopped silently for him to come visit me again tonight, just like we're used to do.

Please come again..

I miss you so much even though we're just met a week ago...

Gosh, i can't j-

"Kookie?" i gasped happily and look up, and there's him.

Standing beautifuly in those white robe as his shiny yet gorgeous wings spread proudly behind him. Making him look even more perfect than he already is. But then he has a sad yet serious expression on his face. I smiled and get up quickly so i can run to hug him but he stop me before i can do anything.

"Kookie, let's talk." my eyebrows raised in confusion.

I nodded and led him to my messy bed, we sat down and faced each other. He sighed and rubbed his temple, he turned to me and gave me that look.

A bad one.

"I-I have to leave you." my eyed widened and i giggled.

"You're kidding right? After all this time?" he shook his head.

"I'm not Jungkook-ah." i faced my lap.

"But why?" a tear slipped down my cheeks but I hide it so he can't see it.

A week ago, i was a mess. My parents left me for money, yes they sell me to an pervet old man for money. I tried to asked for help but they just left me here in the darkness. The old man would come and touch me everynight and makes me scarred for life. I just can believe that a parents would do such things to their own child.

I met Jimin a few days later, he appeared from out of nowhere on my window. He represent himself as an angle, at first i thought he was just joking but then i fainted when he show his wings. We become friends that day and it's turns great, we would always play some pranks on the old man and laughed as he ran away scared.

Jimin was my angle, when I'm depressed or sad he'll always be there to take care of me. He makes me happy, yet now he's going to leave me to somewhere that i can't possibly be.

"It's fine Jiminie, y-you should go and do your work." i smiled even though it's hurts.

He stiffed, get up slowly and nodded at my words. He went out of my room and flew away, leaving a white feather on my bed probably from his wings. I took it and smelt, smells perfectly like Jimin. I cried painfully as my hands clutched into the feather more and more.

Jimin... I'll miss you so bad.


A few days later

"You filthy boy!" i screamed as he slapped me harder with the belt.

I sobbed painfully because of the pain on my back and on my legs. I can feel the blood slipping slowly over my body. He threw the belt away and i saw him undo his pants making my eyes widened.

"No! Please n-no!" i tried to back away but the chain on my ankle fails me.

"NO!" I cried harder as i curled up in the corner.

I saw him walking closer and his big manhood standing proudly, i screamed as he touched my thighs bringing me closer to him. He slapped my face and told me to shut up, i sniffed and tried to push him away with all my energy.

Jimin... I probably can't see you anymore after tonight. I'll miss you so bad and hoped you find a new friend to play with..

He pull my weak body over his bed and traced his hands over my scars.

Hope to see you again..

He held my hips and angle his cock over my entrance making me sobbed again.

I-I love you Jiminie..

"THE FUCK!" i gasped as i saw Jimin was there.

His red eyes were scary as he held the old man in the air. I can see horn poking out of his head matched perfectly with his blonde hair.


The old man was thrown away to the wall making me gasped. Jimin didn't stop, oh no he didn't. He flew to the old man and make some weird gestures with his hands. The old was explode into the thin air while blood was splattered all over the room, luckily it didn't hit me.

Jimin stares at me giving me a cold look in his eyes. His red eyes are still there as he walked closer, i wanted to hide but my weak body can't move.

I whimpered and back up slowly, the pain aren't helping at all. He slammed his hands next to my head making me flinched.

"J-Jiminie?" he titled his head.

"It's me Kookie, y-your Ko-" He cut me off, wrapping his hands around my waist pulling me roughly closer to his body.

"MINE!" my heart melts and i nodded.

"Y-Yours Jiminie." a sharp pain makes me screamed when he place his hands on my back.

He growled deeply and turn me on my stomach carefully.

"FUCK! JUST WHAT DID HE DID TO YOU?!" Jimin is scary when he's mad.

He told me once, his biggest secret is that when he's mad.. He'll turned into a mad looking demon and i can't disagree. I mean he did look like a demon, he just killed a man!

"J-Jimin, d-don't." he raised my tee-shirt up and growled by the view.

I'm sure what he sees were just red scars and blood all over my back. He leaned in slowly and did one thing that makes me jumped in surprised. He kiss it, he kiss my back and i loved the feeling.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I should have protected you all this time an-"

"It's fine Jimin, I'm okay and you just save my life. You did protect me all this time and thank you Jimin." I smiled.

He turned into my Jimin now.

"Sorry again." he snuggled closer and i giggled.

He tickles my side making me screamed at ticklish feeling, it was as if the pain is gone.

Wait, gone?

Jimin smirked when he sees my confusion face. He leaned next to my ear and whispered sexily.

"What? You thought i can't heal them?" i blushed and pushed him away.

"I hate you Jimin!" he laughed and turned serious again.

"Seriously, you won't be saying that after i fuck you later Jungkook." My eyes widened.

"What the hell Jimin!? What is wrong with you?" he pull me closer.

"I just change for you, my love." we both just stared to each other eyes as i process his words.

"Cringed." we both said at the same time.

We both laughed as we laid down, well more like Jimin laid down and I'm laid on his chest. He feels so warm it's like so comfortable.

"Love you so much Jiminie~" he laughed.

"Love you too."


Ayo peeps! Sorry for not updating after feels like 100 years.

But don't worry there'll be part 2 for this Jikook.


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