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Hey guys it's me, So I might not be online for a while. Which means that I'm not going be uploading new chapters everyhday like I used to. I got in a lot of trouble and I rather not say what I got in trouble for. But to shorten things up, I got my phone and laptop taken away. Luckly I found my laptop so I can write this note. When I do get my stuff back though I will be uploading more chapters. Also sorry about all the chapters yhat I'm putting out on this story. Let me know in the comments below if you are getting bored of this story, or the chapters in the story. If you are bored of the story I will come up with some kindd of ending and stop uploading chapters. Well I guess this is goodbye for now until I get my stuff back. I will miss uploading chapters and I will miss you guys.

Just know that this isn't goodbye forever<3

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