《Chapter 3》

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There's still nothing really exiting going on in this book but I'll get there (maybe) so hang in there (please)

"Sure." He smiled, and sat in the seat opposite me. His eyes flickered to the sketch book in front of me, and I quickly closed it, embarrassed. He laughed a little. "Why'd you hide them? They're really good."

It's not like I didn't think they were good, I just didn't like being complimented on my drawings, I never knew how to react to them. They're more of a way for me to get some thoughts out of my head, I guess. If I drew something, it usually calmed the emotions I felt down; like if I was angry, drawing an angry person or something helped to sooth that emotion, and I'd feel better. My drawings were mostly a thing for me to look at, and only me, sometimes maybe S/N. I didn't often feel comfortable sharing them, not even with my best friends. "Because they're personal." I said softly.

He smiled at me, "pot plants and little girls are personal?"

"Yes. To me." I said, fiddling with the pensil as I rested my hand on the sketch book.

"How so?"

"Uh, it's hard to explain." I replied, looking out the window as the rain drizzled down. "Only a fellow artist could understand."

Lloyd frowns at my remark. "And how do you know I'm not an artist?"

I turn my head back to look at him. "You only ever seem to wear green. Artist usually like to wear a variety of colours." I said, gesturing down to my cropped yellow hoodie. "Or all black."

He looked down at his hoodie, pouting a bit. "Oh... Okay, I guess you have a point."

I laughed lightly, and he looked back up as the waitress placed the bowl of noodle soup I ordered on the table in front of me.

I thanked her and she noded at me with a smile, then turned to give Lloyd an ugly look before briskly walking away.

I look over at the boy, who's smile had faultered and now seemed to be trying to become one with the chair he sat in.

"So what brings you here today?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood.

He looks up at me nervously, and I gave him a reassuring smile. It must've worked, because he visibly became a little more comfortable.

"Just wanted to eat somewhere other than home." He replied, grimacing. "It was Cole's turn to cook lunch and he's not very good at making edible food."

I laughed, and his nervous smile became more of a genuine one. "Cole? That's the big guy with the black hair, right?" I recalled seeing him on the bus sitting next to a platinum blonde boy, he was also in one of my classes.

Lloyd nodded and another waiter brought over another bowl of food, placing it in front of the boy and quickly walking away before he could be thanked.

I took a mouthful of my noodles and chewed it quickly before I started the conversation again. "He's in my cooking class, so hopefully that pays off."

Lloyd laughed, and I noticed his crooked smile and the way his nose slightly scrunched as he did so. There was a weird feeling in my stomach, and I took another mouthful of my food to get rid of it. It didn't work. "Yeah, hopefully." He said, eating some of his own food.

"So how come you live with Cole?" I asked.

Lloyd paused, mouth filled with food, tilting his head to the side. He swallowed before answering. "I guess he lives with me and my family. He ran away from hom-" His eyes widened as he said that and he quickly blurted out the next sentence, "please don't tell him I told you that! Pretend you don't know!"

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