《Chapter 12》

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The phrase "expect the unexpected" had always been a phrase I thought to be stupid. I mean, wouldn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected? That didn't make sense at all.

But I guess I shouldn't've expected a decent night sleep after the events of the previous day. I kept waking up in the 4 hours of sleep I got, and found it exceedingly difficult to fall back asleep. The sleep I did get was filled with nightmares; nightmares of what could've happened with the creep in the park or about how everyone would react to my nee wind powers.

I decided that I'd keep those powers a secret. I was still unsure if they were real, and if they were, I was scared of how the others would react.

So when Nya came knocking on my door at 6:00AM, I had already been up and dressed for thirty minutes and anxiously thinking about my prediciment. She'd been surprised, but when I'd mentioned I hadn't slept well, she just looked at me sympathetically.

She walked with me to the dining area, the boys and adults were already there. It wasn't anything extravagant for breakfast, just a selection of cereal or toast.

I took a seat in between Lloyd and Zane, who was playing with some sort of complicated contraption inside his wrist???

I grabbed Lloyd's shirt in a tight fist and yanked on the fabric to gain his attention.

"Hmm?" He hummed quietly, turning to me.

I looked him in the eye, before discreetly turning my wide gaze towards Zane tinkering with his arm.

Lloyd hummed a laugh, "Zane is a Nindroid. A robot, but more humane than most people."

I stared at Lloyd in shock. Zane was a robot? How did I never realize? Can his arm turn into a blaster thingy like Cyborg? How old is he then? Who made him? How much does he know?

So many important questions.

I blinked, and turned back to Zane, who was now looking at me with amusement.

I decided now would be a good time to ask one of my more important questions.

"Can your arm turn into a gun, like Cyborg's?" I asked, causing everyone around the table to laugh. Even Misako, who had just entered the room with a pot of tea, giggled at me.

Zane shook his head, still chuckling. "I'm afraid not."

I turned to Nya, I knew she was quite tech-savvy. "You should work on that. Every robot needs a gun for an arm."

"Zane isn't a robot though, he's a Nindroid." Cole piped in, buttering his toast.

"Lloyd said Nindroids and robots are the same thing though!" I stated, turning to the blonde boy. "I've been lied to! I feel betrayed!"

Lloyd simply laughed at my childishness, shaking his head. "No, I said that he's like a robot."

"What's the difference?"

It was Jay's turn to answer as he poured milk into his bowl of cereal. "Well,-"

He started going on this whole extravagant explination that, to be honest, went in one ear and out the other. I just nodded and pretended like I knew what he was on about.

"Oh, okay." I said, grabbing a piece of toast from the plate Wu had just brought in from the kitchen.

Lloyd prodded my shoulder with a fork. Why does he have a fork? Does he eat cereal with a fork?? What a phycopath! I'm living with a phycopath! "Did you actually get any of that?" He asked, a raised eyebrow and amusement tugging at his lips.

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