I have mashed movie Garmadon with series Garmadon because I can, so :P
I am posting this at 12:00AM and I am so sick--
Be warned -》feels commin up 😉
I walked along the gravel path towards Steep Wisdom. I had organised with the others to talk to them about my secret and also to help Sensei Wu set up his tea shop for his retirement.
I reached the small shop, walking in through the doors and narrowly missing a teabag that was playfully thrown at my head by a cheeky Garmadon. He is a literal child.
I greeted him and Misako as they helped each other put up a shelf and stack it with a various range of teas. I looked around, no one else in sight.
"Where are all the others?" I inquired, handing boxes of teabags to Misako so she could stack them on the shelf.
"They're getting customers for Wu." Garmadon explained, grinning. "You should see the constumes they're in, they look ridiculous!"
I giggled, wondering just how silly the outfits could be.
"So, you wanted to talk to us?" Misako asked, taking the last box out of my hands.
I nodded. "I wanted to talk to all of you, it's about something I think you all deserve to know. But I want to tell everyone all at once, so we have to wait for the others." I'm lowkey just procrastinating.
They stopped, sharing a scared look. "Did one of the boys...?"
My eyes widened in horror and embarrassment exploaded all over my face. "What?! No?! Oh god no! Nothing like that!"
Garmadon basically deflated with relief, sighing. "I thought La-Lloyd had been up to no good, after what-"
Misako violently elbowed him in the ribs and he grunted.
I heated more at the mention of possible extremely intimate actions with the blonde boy. "W-what did Lloyd tell you?"
The older man grinned at me, sharing a knowing, amused grin with Misako.
"What?" I asked nervously.
"Oh nothing," he sang, "just the little fact that he's crushing on you and isn't really sure on how to handle it. I thought he might've gone about it in a more agressive way, maybe..."
I spluttered, staring at him in terror, and he laughed hard, clutching his stomach.
"I'm kidding!" He gasped, "I'm kidding, Y/N, La-Lloyd is too innocent to try that, he hasn't even had his first kiss yet."
Hahahahahahahahahahaa, yeah, sure, let's go with that.
I laughed nervously. "You really are evil. That was a cruel joke."
He grinned at me, no trace of shame to be found on his face.
Dusk was settling over the city, turning the sky brilliant shades of pink orange and purple, mixing together like coloured water crossing paths.
The Ninja hadn't returned yet, and I hadn't exactly planned on spending the day stocking a tea shop and serving customers instead of discussing with my friends about how to go about my powers situation, but hey, I guess that's life. Stupid and sucky and filled with tea addicts.
Misako was finishing packing a bag of tea for our customer as I wondered outside to sit by the pond, staring at the sky through the reflection fo the calm water.
I was distracted from my peace as the Ninja called out for Sensei Wu. I got up and ambled over to them, not fully understanding why the Ninja, who were supposed to be silent, were suddenly screaming and yelling. I managed to catch the end of Wu's sentence.
"-you used your powers?" The elder exclaimed as I came to stand by them and Lloyd's parents joined us.
"Yeah I know, we're terrible students, but what happened to our powers?!" Jay yelled, panicked.
I raised an eyebrow at Misako in question, but she was focusing on the conversation.
The old windmill nearby creaked eerily as the wind became stronger, picking up speed and making the atmosphere suddenly colder.
Something didn't feel right about this.
Something was wrong.
"Where's La-Lloyd?" Garmadon asked, drawing the attention of the Ninja.
"We haven't seen him since he left." Nya said. "Isn't he with you? Or is he still at the museum?"
Garmadon shared a worried look with his brother, their eyes widening as something seemed to click within their minds.
"What is it?" I asked, feeling my stomach twist.
Something was going on, I could feel it. Something very wrong was happening and somehow I felt a strange sense of deja vu comming on, and panic started to bubble in my chest and stomach.
"Lloyd..." Garmadon said in a haunted tone.
Misako covered her mouth with her hand, eyes wide and beginning to water.
"Lloyd what?" I asked quickly. "What's- what's wrong with Lloyd?"
"If your powers are gone, then something must've happened to-" Wu started, but a blonde haired boy dressed in a familiar green gi at the edge of the courtyard caught our attention.
I relaxed, exhaling. Lloyd was okay.
"It's the Green Ninja!" The little girl accompanying our recent customer exlaimed excitedly, pointing over at the boy approaching.
Lloyd removed the top half of his hood, leaving the bottom part of his face a mystery to everyone around who didn't know who he really was.
His once green eyes now the colour of obsidian.
I know those eyes...
"I know that wind," Wu murmered so quietly that I only just heard as the Ninja ran up to their friend. "That's not Lloyd."
I was about to ask what he meant when a deepish, husky voice interuppted me, drawing my eyes back to the blonde.
"Step aside." The smooth voice demanded. It was familiar. It came from Lloyd. And suddenly it clicked.
My nightmare. That dream I had of a Lloyd who wasn't really Lloyd stabbing me. It wasn't really a nightmare, more of a vision.
"Lloyd!" Jay called against the wind as it steadily grew stronger. "What's wrong with you?"
The latter's dark eyes narrowed, "I want a word with your Master." He growled.
Wu stared at Lloyd, frowning. I couldn't place the look on his face, I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling.
"Whoa! Lloyd's gone through puberty!" Jay stated.
"What's gotten into him?" Cole asked, as if we knew the answer.
I turned to Misako for answers, "What is wrong with him?" I asked skeptically.
She gave me a sad, scared look. "He's-he's possessed..."
My eyes widened. "Po-possessed? Like? By a ghost?!"
She nodded, looking over at her son in shock.
I followed her gaze to the boy I cared so deeply for. I couldn't let this happen. Sure, I knew I'd get hurt, my vision set that into my mind. But Lloyd meant so much to me. So much that I was willing to risk it.
So, without thinking any further about it, I ran towards him at full speed, ignoring my name being called by his parents and Uncle as I advanced.

Just One Time :: Lloyd X Reader
FanfictionEveryone in Ninjago knows who Lloyd Garmadon is, and everyone knows what his father has done. But what happens when one girl is willing to stand up for him and punch a bully in the face one week after starting at Ninjago High? What happens when the...