Chapter 33

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This exactly 1000 words, and I don't know why ya'll needed to know that, but there you go.

I am not proud of this chapter, but like, I needed to post something so

I ran through the monestry at top speed with Lloyd chasing after me. I didn't know what I'd done, but as Misako drove me to their home, she'd warned me to "be prepared" and that scared me, because she gave no further explination, just smirked.

And now Lloyd was angry at me and chasing me and ohmyGod he's catching up!

I knew I wasn't in danger, Lloyd would never hurt me, but how else was I supposed to react when a guy at least a head taller than me was stomping my way in an agressive-ish manner?

Gap it, that's all my instincts told me to do.

I ran through the monestry, then through the garden, navigating my way through the tangle of pathways expertly. Thank God that I spent so much time out here when the others were on missions.

I headed towards the trees of the surrounding forest, quickly growing tired. I broke the treeline and squealed in terror as I felt Lloyd's fingertips brush my spine.

He laughed at me.

It didn't take long for him to catch me, encasing me in a backhug as we giggled in slight exhaustion amongst the trees and shrubbery.

Lowkey also ran so I could cuddle with Lloyd and not be coed at by the others kekeke.

After a while, he spun me around to face him, holding onto my waist as he looked into my eyes contently.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered softly, his face showing discomfort. "About the wind powers,"

I stiffened in his warm hold, cluching onto the green fabric of his shirt.

I chewed on my bottom lip, desperately trying to not avert my eyes in anxiety.

If he had asked me with any other look on his face, I would'nt've been so anxious. But his features displayed disappointment, confusion... And almost hidden fear. Why was he fearful?

I wasn't scared of telling him, I was just uncertain as to why his face held such emotions.

"I... I just," I paused, blinking as I stared up into that beautiful face that I adored, probably too much.

I noticed how he shifted his weight from foot to foot, how he held me just tht little bit tighter than he normally would've, how his eyebrows scrunched in concern and how he nibbled his lip. How his eyes weren't sparkling with the same emotions they normally did when he looked at me.

"It's not like I planned on keeping it a secret," I started, searching his face and the emotions his eyes held. "I just assumed that Misako told you during that time we weren't allowed to see each other... After we got you back from..." I trailed off, once again diverting my gaze to something else; a small bush with bright green leaves and small yellow flowers. "It didn't cross my mind to tell you,"

"But Mum said you've known for months!" He sighed, "why didn't you tell me before?"

I shrugged, "I guess I was scared. I mean, you all got your powers when you were young, and you've had time to develope, and train, and get used to it. I'm seventeen, I haven't had that, they just appeared out of nowhere. I don't know how I got them. I didn't want you all to freak out,"

He stayed silent for a while, just looking at me deep in thought. "Are you saying I'm old?" He finally asked, raising an eyebrow playfully, the corners of his lips pulling up into a cocky smirk.

I frowned, pinching his shoulder. "Is that seriously all you got from that?!"

He grinned, pulling me closer to him. "You don't have to worry about what we think of you. You're no weirder than us. I mean, just think about it, we have a Nindroid, two orphans, a runaway who's a ghost at the moment, the son of a previously evil overlord, a previously evil overlord, two tea addicts with relations to the previously evil overlord, and a motormouth who grew up in a junk yard."

"Wow, don't emphasis the 'previously evil overlord' part or anything,"

"Shh, I'm still talking," Lloyd grinned, continuing. "My point is, no matter what happens to you, we'll be able to cope with it, we'll be able to help you through it. You can't be any weirder than we are. We will never judge you."

His grin had turned into an endearing smile as he was talking, and his eyes had started to sparkle just the way I liked them to.

"Thank you," I smiled back at him, "what did I do to deserve such a cute, kitten-like boyfriend?"

He scoffed loudly, several times. "I'm not cute or kitten-like, I'm a man. A manly man."

Before I could comment, he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I returned it happily, wrapping my arms around him.

"Uh huh," I said as I pulled away, patting his cheek before turning to walk back towards the monestry. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Stop undermining my manliness," he pouted, scurrying after me.


We walked into the monestry hand in hand, and as soon as the others saw us, chaos erupted.

"I told you La-Lloyd wasn't too pussy to ask her out!" Garmadon screeched as he pointed excitedly.

Lloyd and I stood in front of them all in confusion, still holding each others hands.

"Oh right," I murmered. "We never told them,"

"You guys thought I was a pussy?!" Lloyd scoffed in offense.

"I don't know why, you're not that pretty." He gave me a hurt look, squeezing my hand.

"'Oh RiGhT, wE nEvEr ToLd ThEm,'" Jay mocked, stomping over to us, pointkng to our entangled hands, "when did this happen?!"

"I dunno, like," Lloyd started, raising his eyes to the roof while he calculated. "A month ago."

I nodded in agreement, and the Blue Ninja scoffed.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Kai asked.

"Literally none of them have said 'congratulations'," Lloyd remarked, seemingly amused.

"Congratulations," Garmadon said, pushing Jay aside so he could make room for himself to get up in our faces. "Now why didn't you tell us?!"

And suddenly we were being bombarded with question after question after question.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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