Chapter 32

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This chapter isn't as long as the others, but it's not exactly short. Anyways, I hope ya'll enjoy :)

3RD Person POV: Lloyd

Fucking shitsticks! He cursed himself as he road his dragon, Bean, towards the monestry. He'd stayed out all night. After being told specifically not to leave the monestry.

Hahahaha, I'm dead.

Bean pumped his powerful emerald wings, soaring through the sky effortlessly above the clouds.

It was a beautiful morning, the sun bearing down on his skin while the wind cooled it.

And yet all Lloyd could think was, fuck I'm dead fuckI'mdead fUcKi'MDEaD FUCKI'MDEAD!

As quietly as he could, he jumped off Bean, who exploaded into a cloud of bright green mist, and landed on his bedroom windowsil, quickly clambering in.

He looked around.

Everything was how he left it.

The door was closed.

Laundry to put away.

His closet door slighlty ajar.

His mother on his bed.

Oh, that was new.


"Where have you been?" Was the first question, out of the many surely to come, she asked.

"I- Uh-" Stammering over his words, Lloyd tried to find a suitable excuse as to why the fuck he left the monestry when he was specifically told not to. Aparently, he didn't have one. "I just needed to get out for a while."

It wasn't technically a lie. He'd been couped up for days since being released from Morro, all he'd wanted to do since was see Y/N and go for a long ass walk with no one else around. Last night, he'd been able to do both, plus he got cuddles!

And now he felt so much better, he could even smile again.

"Where did you go?" Misako pressed, her arms crossed disprovingly over her chest, a slight frown set apon her lips. "How long were you out?"

Caving, Lloyd sighed heavily, not willing to lie to his mother. "I... I went to see Y/N,"

Misako's eyes lit up with surprise, before softening in understanding. Mustvethrought I went after Morro. She sighed lightly, standing and bringing him into a hug. "I know you've missed her Lloyd," she said softly as he returned the embrace. "We all miss her. But she needs to recover, and so do you. We're going into battle again soon, and we need all the help we can get."

Lloyd's grip on his mother tightened, Y/N was going to help? Like hell he'd let that happen.

"Y/N got her stitches out yesterday, and I'm fine now too. I just... I needed to make sure it wasn't a dream that I... And I needed to say sorry." He explained, his mother leading him to sit beside her on his bed. "She's not... Really going to come with us to fight Morro, is she?"

Misako nodded and Lloyd's panic rose.

"But she's-"

"She'll be fine Lloyd, trust me." She soothed, placing a hand on his shoulder reasuringly. "She's been training for it since you got taken by Morro. She-"

"But we've had years of training!" His voice hitched, "Y/N has only had two weeks!" The blonde stressed, running a hand through his hair, standing up agan to pace around his room. "She won't be able to defend herself as well as us."

Misako sighed. "She'll be fine, Lloyd. We're not putting her in direct harm's way."

"But what if she gets hurt again?" He worried, turning his frightened gaze to meet his mother's comforting one. "She doesn't even have any powers to help protect her!"

"Oh..." At this, Misako smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, haven't you heard?"


1ST Person POV: Y/N

Almost as soon as I stepped into the monestry after about five days, Lloyd was after me.

He didn't have an obvious emotion showing at all, I couldn't tell if he was mad, scared, disappointed, happy, but the way he stomped his way in my direction, pointing at me and going, "We need to talk. Why didn't you tell me?!" gave me all sorts of bad feelings and I'm not one to face my problems or responsibilities head on, so instead, I shoved Jay in front of me.

The Blue Ninja let out a disgruntled, "Hey!" as I ran away yelling. "Idon'tknowwhatIdidbutI'mreallysorry!" With the blonde hot on my heels.

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