OhmyGOSH!! Idek why, but my legs are so sore XC
It's short. Sorry. But it's interesting!! I think? Enjoy!! (or else) :D
Misako had come to speak to me at around 2:07AM, and me being me, asked more questions than was necessary about my situation.
"What's going to happen to me?"
"Am I being held captive?"
"Do I need to train with the Ninja?"
"Do I get to become a Ninja?"
"Can I be a wolf shape-shifting Ninja?"
"Do I get a dragon? Imma name him Ben."
"Why can't I be a wolf shape-shifting Ninja?"
She'd been quite amused by my enquiries, but answered them nonetheless. For the first question, the answer was, 'nothing they just needed to make sure I could be trusted with the Ninja's true identities' and that I was okay with. But for the rest of my questions, the answer was no, which, to be completely honest, I found rather rude. I wanted to be a wolf shape-shifting Ninja.
Not that I'd make a good Ninja, I literally tripped over thin air climbing through my own damn window. But hey, can't blame me for hoping.
She told me that I would be given a proper tour of the monestry tomorrow, and that I could sit and watch the Ninja train if I wanted to. I was told when breakfast was, which was the ungodly hour of 6:00 in the morning so please let me sleep now?!
She then left the room, leaving me alone once again.
No one visited me for the rest of the night, so I decided to put my belongings in the chest of drawers and closet.
Which didn't last long, as I finished relatively quickly and was now lying on the floor of my new room, staring at the ceiling.
For the unteenth time that day, I let my thoughts wonder. And to my surprise, they wondered to Lloyd.
I pictured his smiling face, his blonde hair and how much I wanted to play with it, I thought of his pretty green eyes and-
Am I... Crushing on Lloyd?! At a time like this?!
I widened my eyes and raised my eyebrows at the cieling. Was I? I mean, I guess I had always thought he was cute, but did I like him? I guess I did. I don't know.
I looked over at the clock on the desk. 4:19AM. I groaned. I swear it was like 9:00 only two minuets ago.
I closed my eyes for a little bit, pushing Lloyd out of my mind and instead thinking about S/N.She'd been sick for her whole life, but she seemed to be coping well. I tried to remember what she'd looked like if she wasn't born with Cistic Fibrosis. I had a hazy vision of it. I remembered how we used to share a hobby together, but since she had turned twelve, she'd drifted from it, saying that we should keep them as happy memories of when she was happy.
S/N wasn't usually one to give up on something that made her happy, but I hadn't forced her to continue, I wanted her to be happy, so whatever she wanted to do, we did. I didn't want to completely act like everything was different from a normal family, I still wanted her to feel normal. But it still frustrated me that she wasn't trying as hard as us to keep herself happy.
Light tugging on the tips of my hair and a soft, cool breeze on the skin of my forearm caught my attention. I opened my eyes, looking down at my hand.
What I saw made me stare in shock, my eyes wider than I would've thought humanly healthy.
There, in the palm of my hand, was a small cyclone of wind. A small cyclone. In the palm of my hand.
I shreiked, waving my hand to get rid of it as I bolted up and scuffled backwards until my back was against the wall. The swirling wind dissipated, leaving my hand to feel slightly tingly, like the feeling your hand gets when you stick it out of the car window when you're on the freeway.
I stared at my hands in horror, half expecting something to happen.
I blinked.
That didn't just happen. I swear, that couldn't've been true.
I pointed my index fingers at eachother, circling them and willing something to happen. After a few seconds and a lot of sweat? Okay, whatever. I'd managed to conjur up a small line of swirling wind. Like a little wormhole between my fingers.
I blinked at it, perplexed. How on Earth?
I spent a few more minutes fiddling with it before I grew too exhausted with emitting the energy into it. How do the Ninja do it?
I walked over to my bed, flopping down onto it, almost immediately, I drifted off into sleep.

Just One Time :: Lloyd X Reader
FanfictionEveryone in Ninjago knows who Lloyd Garmadon is, and everyone knows what his father has done. But what happens when one girl is willing to stand up for him and punch a bully in the face one week after starting at Ninjago High? What happens when the...