《Chapter 17》

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First of all: HhhhHHhHHhHHhh

Also, I've been informed that Lloyd is apparently physically 18 while he's actually mentally 14?? I'm not going to add that into this book because I dOn'T uNdErStAnD hOw??? So Lloyd's just 18. Because Idk how the whole thing works & idk how he'd explain it to Y/N sooooo... Lets just pretend that its an AU where Lloyd's age is the only different thing???

Okay, I am done, please enjoy this next chapter as I go & scream into oblivion :,)

I liked Bean. I liked Bean very much. During my time with the Ninja, I hadn't seen him very often, but I enjoyed petting his bright green head whenever he did appear.

Yes, I was very fond of Bean. I missed him when he'd leave. But I do wish that Lloyd hadn't stuck around so long. I do wish I hadn't seen him disappear on Bean just as my sister burst into my room, with me in tow.

Oh yea, S/N definitely saw Lloyd fly away on Bean's back. Great.

"Why was the Green Ninja in your room Y/N?!" My hysterical sister screeched as she ran over to the window, peering out and watching him fly away on Bean.

Lloyd Garmadon, don't you leave me with your mess, get back here right now and help me you coward!

"W-well..." I stuttered, shuffling my feet. "M-maybe he w-was hiding from bad guys?" I offered weakly.

S/N continued watching until he was completely out of sight before turning to me. She raised an eyebrow, considering my statement. "I mean, sure, maybe. But How'd he get in?"

That was a good question. How did Lloyd get into my room?

"I don't know," I admitted, sighing. "He's a Ninja, how does he do anything?"

She hummed quietly in agreement. "I guess..." Suddenly she brightened, smiling a huge smile at me. "So! How was your stay at your new friend's house?" She asked, plopping herself on my bed, waiting for me to explain.

My cover story was bullshit. According to my brilliant last minute story making skills, Nya and I had spent the majority of the weekend studying and watching Netflix, with a little bit of going out here and there. But it worked. S/N bought my bullcrap and had left me to unpack the belongings Lloyd and I had smuggled out of my room the first night I went to stay at the Monestry. Once I was done with that, I went to make dinner with my little sister and talked to her about her weekend. She'd had an appointment at the hospital, but not much else, so, with nothing more to talk about, after dinner, we parted to our rooms.

I sighed, dropping face-first onto my bed, burying my face in my pillow, and stayed like that for a solid seven minutes.

After a while, I groaned, turning to look at the time. 7:53PM. I sighed again, turning over and eventually drifting off to sleep.


I woke up, sweating and gasping for breathe. Goddammit. What were these dreams? They were getting more random and irrelevant the more they happened. Why was I drowning in my sleep now? I rubbed my face, trying to calm my breathing.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when there was frantic knocking on my... Window... My window?

I tip-toed over, pulling the glass window up. Before I could pull the curtains back, a pair of gloved hands shot out, grabbing my shoulders.

I gasped in surprise, throwing my fist out as I fell backwards, landing harshly on my back. I missed.

Dammit I missed, now their gonna eat my eyeballs with a teaspoon and bury my body in the woods and-

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