Out of Convenience

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"What's up Hobo-san?"

"What's with the name, just call me Aizawa, and uh... thanks for the snacks." I could see him fidgeting with his hands in his pockets.

"No problem Hobo-san, looked like you needed it."

I turned to leave until I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"You need something Hobo-san?" I turned to him. He looked annoyed at the name I just called him. Maybe I said it too many times aha.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... I was wondering..."

"Hm?" I assured him I was still listening.

"Your cuts." He pointed at my arm. "You didn't actually trip on something sharp, did you..." He trailed off.

Whoa... So it about that huh? I tried keeping my cool but my heart was beating faster and faster. I was having a panic attack inside.

"W-what are you imploring?"

"You should be more self-caring."

I gave out a big sigh. "Let's talk about this at some other time and place. Here give me your phone." I held out my hand.

"Huh?" His head cocked to the side.

"Your phone."

"O-oh." He hesitantly placed the phone in my hand and I exchanged our numbers. When I gave him the phone back I left through the door. Finally...

When I was a considerable distance away from the school grounds I sent him a message.

(Me) We can talk about this sometime later if you're interested Hobo-san. Just give me a call or something and we can meet up.

(Aizawa) We could've talked about it a few minutes ago.

(Me) Yeah but you gotta teach and I don't feel like it right now.

(Aizawa) I got time after school.

(Me) Yeah, and I got work after school. Maybe on the weekend.

(Aizawa) Saturday then?

(Me) Sure.


And for the next two days, he proceeded to text me every hour so I wouldn't forget, which makes me even more anxious. Am I really going to tell someone about this? I don't know if I'm ready for this.

This hobo man isn't leaving me alone.

(Aizawa) What's your address?

(Me) **** **** Street.

And just like any other day I returned to my bathroom and was overwhelmed with useless thoughts.

(So uhm.. The character is going to self-harm after this so if you're uncomfortable with that then please skip this part or even the whole rest of this chapter. I'll put it in bold so you can skim over to the next part.)



Words rang in my head causing me to fidget uncontrollably. I reached for the cabinet above my sink and grabbed the small blade. As I sat myself down in the tub I rolled down my long sleeve and placed the blade on a new spot of my left arm.




With a slash, pain coursed through my arm spreading to other nerves all throughout my body making me shiver.

I took my right hand and wiped the blood from my bleeding arm and traced a design on the wall.

What a beautiful masterpiece.


Then my phone buzzed.

(Aizawa) I'll be there in a few.

Then I suddenly remembered the snacks on the table. I should set them up before he gets here. I wrapped up my freshly cut arm and covered it with my sleeve, forgetting about the mess I had just made while walking out the door.

As I cheerfully skipped into the kitchen there was a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I opened the door to find my guest in the same attire as well... ever.

"Welcome~" As I led him in I gave him a tour. His bored unamused expression never wavered. When we got to the bathroom, however...

"And here's the bathroom~" I cheerfully opened the door with my eyes closed.

A gasp escaped his lips.

"What is it Aizawa? You don't like my bathroom?" I opened my eyes revealing a concerned expression on his face.

He pointed to the wall. My smile slowly faded.


I quickly pulled him out and shut the door.

"What was that all about? His tone becoming slightly aggressive.

I gave out a nervous laugh.

"Ahhah!hahahaahhahaahaha!" I pulled him into the living room and set him down on the couch.

"Don't worry about that." I waved my hand to brush off his stare. As I was about to walk away I was pulled down with my back landing on the couch.


His body hovered over mine, his expression tense. I pursed my lips.

"Is this how you treat your hostess after so graciously letting you in?" I gave a fake confused look.

"Don't dodge the question." His tone was cold.

"You know... I don't really want to talk about it right now.." I avoided his intense eyes as I realized my face burning up. "C-could you get off please?"

He sighed and leaned back on the armrest. I got up and sat next to him, fidgeting with my hands and cracking my knuckles. Everything was too awkward so I came up with the best solution I could.

I turned to him and held out my hand. "Let's be friends."

He quirked an eyebrow.

"Come on, my arms getting tired."

He hesitantly took my hand and shook it. "Uh sure, yeah." He tried pulling away but I held it firmly with mine.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Let's go somewhere fun." I pulled him to the door.

"Oi, let go, I can walk myself."

"Just get your shoes on." And I let go.

I walked slightly ahead of him so he'd follow me.

"Where are we going?" He sounded impatient.

"Just follow me."


Another chapter done. I actually can't wait for the next one. It makes me giddy when I think about it. Seeya laterrr.

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