Fate Shall Decide

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Previously... In the Principal's office...

A slight click was heard and the sound of someone sitting in a chair.

The dog mouse...bear hero spun in his chair slowly to face the famous serious-faced homeroom teacher.

"You said you found a lead on Miss (Y/n)'s...disappearance?"

"Yes, sir." Aizawa took a moment and swallowed hard to get rid of the lump in his throat. "There was this one villain... Who I fought during the rescue mission. She reminded me a lot of (Y/n)."

"Do you think that villain could have been her?" The principal leaned forward on his desk.

"...It's too soon to think so, but she did tell me that she was a relative."

"Aizawa, I know you miss her, but that villain could be tricking your mind into a trap."

Aizawa looked down at his folded hands.

"But, I never said it wasn't possible that what she said was true." (more like implied I guess)

Aizawa shot his head up. His eyes were burning with anger, sadness, genuine worry...

The principal felt a tug on his heartstrings. 'No matter how much I care for you, Aizawa... You're a hero.' He thought.

The principal stood from his chair and took in a deep breath. "We'll do all we can to bring this mystery to a close Aizawa, I can assure you that." He turned to his big window behind his desk. "But we must be patient. And let fate decide...." He trails off.

Aizawa took this as a signal that the meeting was over, stood from his chair, bowed, and walked out of the office.

'She must be giving you clues. She's testing you Aizawa. I hope you can figure it out before she's taken by the evil entity of this curse.'

A tear fell down the principal's white


Aizawa's POV...

I can't understand why I'm so obsessed with her. We only met a couple months ago and even then, we didn't talk about much.

Was it the way her lips curled in when she smiled? Those eyes, so calming when she would blink. Her soft hair, flowing in the wind...

Her laugh is to die for...Wait how did I even make her laugh?

Why? Why do I care so much for someone like her?

I'm so frustrated.

My thoughts were drawn to that villain. She looked almost just like her but there was this feeling... of uneasiness when she spoke. It was somehow dark... and oddly terrifying.

I looked down at the black cat who was rubbing its head against my leg.

A string in my heart pulled. My eyes watered at the thought of how she left us behind.

Suddenly, a memory shot back into my head.

"Chironex... She said Chironex. That's. the genus of a....jellyfish. No, it can't be." I shook my head, trying to remember that day we went to the aquarium.

'She said she liked jellyfish, didn't she?'

'That villain must be related to (Y/n) somehow.' I buried my head in my hands.

This realization is...uncanny.

End... Or is it?


K So...

How have you been? Is everything goin well? You know... if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm only a private message away. Haha, let's be friends! I love meeting new people. So how 'bout it? *holds out hand* Will you give me a chance?

I'm serious. Don't ever hesitate to send me a message whether you need someone to talk to or just want to say hi. I'll accept you.


Now onto news about 'New Beginnings'.

This is where it ends my friend. It was a nice adventure to spend with you.


There will.. not be a sequel. Sorry guys I really am. I'm just so tired with having to keep up with my studies and life drama. I'm really stressed out right now and I don't want my mental health to get out of hand again. I just don't want that to happen again.

So... I guess this is goodbye, my lovely reader.



P.S. Don't forget to vote!

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