Mission Rescue

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(Author-chan here! I'm just gunna write this next scene by memory of the anime so yeah I'm also going to change it up a little for the purpose of this fanfic so yeah )


"SMASH!" A giant voice yelled.

'All Might's here! Finally, this boy will be saved.'

The dazzling, smiling All Might broke down the wall with his signature smash, letting the hero Kamui Woods contain the other villains except for me with my fast reflexes, I escaped. Before this, I was informed that the Boss wanted me to be at the warehouse where they kept the Nomus.

By the time I got there, everything was thrown into chaos, pro-heroes were injured and... All for one was there.


The man looked like *Cough* the one who shall not be named, but without eyes. How gruesome the fight was with All Might. I feel bad that this had to happen.



The purple haired villain came up and hugged me.

"Isn't All for one just awesome?" Stars were in his eyes as he watched the powerful villain in admiration.

I shivered. "Yeah... he sure is."

"I knew there'd be more villains here." A familiar low voice said.

Both Hitoshi and I turned to see a black-haired hero with yellow goggles.

"Eraser? I thought you were busy with the press?" Hitoshi questioned while pushing me behind him.

"Tch, true, but I have my ways. Take care of this one Vlad, I got the other one."

"Sure thing Eraser." Suddenly a muscular hero grabbed Hitoshi and dragged him away, leaving me and Eraser.

"We meet again Chironex." The black-haired hero got into his defensive stance.

I gave a bow. "It's always a pleasure seeing you again, Eraserhead."

Swiftly the hero shot a powerful kick which I dodged, followed by a punch which just barely hit my cheek.

"You know, you remind me of someone I once knew." He shot his scarf at me.

I dodged and jumped back to catch my breath, quirking an eyebrow.

"Oh really?... How so?"

He ran at me once again with his scarf, getting hold of my leg and tripping me. I hit the ground hard, causing a shock to flow through my body.

"Aghgh!" I lifted my head only to be pulled around into circles.

"When we first met, your appearance just happened to look the same as her. Of course, you have longer hair, not as scrawny..."


"But your speech... you sound just like her. But I think if I just saw your..." He pulled me in and threw a punch at my face, sending me flying 11 feet back.

On impact, my black goggles flew off and broke in two. (yeah I put in the goggles)

"O-ow..." I stood up trying my best not to fall back down. "You really know how to pack a punch Eraser." I rubbed the side of my face and turned towards him.

He gasped and let his scarf fall back onto his shoulders.


"Aha... Not quite. I'm actually a relative." I lied. "We look similar don't we?" 'I hate this but it slipped out of my mouth before I could think'

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