Entering the Gates of Pain

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After a silent breakfast, we both lied on the floor while playing with Shadow.

"So uhm, what're your students like?"

"My students? Well uh, most are pretty cheerful and carefree, of course since they're still kids. There's one who makes a lot of trouble."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? And what's he like?"

"He's very proud and boastful of anything he does, when he makes a mistake he's reluctant to say sorry but he takes things to heart so he'll make up for them. He always gets into fights with this one kid, Midoriya..."

I nodded for him to keep going.

"Midoriya's a good boy but very oblivious to his quirk's limits, he always gets hurt and ends up int he hospital. I think Recovery Girl's done with him making her tend to him so many times."

He went on going from a girl who acts too mature for her age named Yaoyorozu, to a perverted grape boy named Mineta. I could tell that as he loved his students by the way he spoke of them, looking more relaxed... This guy's definitely a softie.

After describing all of his students and even sharing a few humorous stories I glanced up at the clock hanging on my blue-tinted grey wall.

"Uhm, Aizawa... Shouldn't you be getting to school?"

"O-oh shoot." He stood up scaring Shadow making him jump under the couch.

I watched as he brushed his clothes off and slipped into his boots.

"Seeya." He left with a brief salute.

"Bye..." I rolled on the floor staring blankly at the ceiling. I felt a little tug in my chest as I replayed the scene of him leaving through the door. I felt empty. My chest became tight making me shiver. It was the feeling of loss.

"NONONONONO Why am I doing this? I can't get close to someone again... I...But I want to..."

Tears stung my dry eyes from lack of sleep even though I squeezed them tight. I hugged myself and turned to the side, clasping my clothes tighter with every breath.

"I'm so sorry..."



After cleaning myself up I reluctantly pick up my ringing phone.


"Hi Miss (l/n), this is principal Nezu, I was wondering if you'd be able to come today at noon?"

"Oh Hello sir, hmm, sure I can, but what for?"

"I need you to be on standby, a class is going to USJ today and I'm sure they'll make quite a mess."

"Alright, I'll be there."

"Thank you so much, Miss (l/n)!"


I change into my work clothes and head to the store to get supplies for Shadow. As I walked down the pet supply isles I tripped on my own feet and tumbled over another body.

"O-ow!" I look up rubbing my head to see a spiky-haired man. He had a fairly muscular physique, his eyes were a dull violet, matching his hair. He looked strangely familiar...

"I. am. so. sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going-"

I stopped as I saw tears falling from his eyes.

"Are you alright sir?" I reached out my hand to him.

He snapped out of his trance and wiped his tears.

"S-sorry, you just... look like someone I knew." He trailed off as he reaches to take my hand.

"Really? Hm... I wonder maybe if we've met before?" I sent him a smile while pulling us both up.

"I'm not sure... I think I would've remembered someone with beautiful eyes like you." He said in a surprisingly non-creepy way.

I giggled at the comment. "Well, I hope you have a good day, seeya!" I ran off to the register.

Mysterious person POV

I watched as she ran away with her usual gentle smile. Her voice is still as soothing as ever. Why? Why can't she recognize me? AHHHHH, (f/n) I miss you...


After I dropped off the supplies and fed Shadow I took the train to U.A. I waited outside next to the bus that would take the students to USJ watching as they came out one by one through the giant doors. For a moment my vision blurred making me stumble to the side.

"W-whoa.." I caught myself and leaned against the side of the bus. I felt dizzy, my back lower back started aching.

Just then someone caught my eye. A raven-haired man walked towards my direction with a concerned look.

"Hey, are you ok? You look a little paler than usual." He held up his hand to put it on my shoulder but I waved him off.

"I'm alright Hobo-san." I put on one of my fake smiles.

He stood blankly for a second and bent over staring straight into my eyes. Is he trying to intimidate me? I took a step back when he took a step forward. I pursed my lips.

"Dude what are you doing?"

He looked away. "Nothing."

Uhm Okay? Weird...

I watched him as he trudged into the bus. USJ wasn't actually that far away, just a few blocks off of the school grounds. How does this school have that much money to own so much property? So I'll be running following behind the bus. I need to start getting more physically active. I read online that exercising helps relieve stress, though that was from the internet so I don't know how accurate it really is. I decided to try it anyway.


Wow USJ is just as big as half of the U.A. building... Should I be even more impressed than I already am with Nezu?

As I was trying to catch my breath for running I'd say about five minutes? The students poured out of the bus and got rowdy. Is this what Aizawa has to deal with every day?

Thankfully none of them noticed me the whole time I stood there, probably thinking about the simulation. But that possibly meant that my quirk was working. I was hiding in the bus's shadow when Aizawa popped out of the bus. It seemed to me like he was looking for someone. Maybe me?... When he got near the shadowy part of the bus I took this chance and appeared right behind him.

"Boo." I said with a bored expression.

Aizawa jumped and held his hand to his chest while turning towards me. His expression threatened anger.

"PFfffttahahahahahahaha! Ohmy! AHAMMPHH!" I held my stomach and covered my mouth, trying to hold in my laughter. He slapped my shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"For being a jerk." His tone was harsh.

"Ouch... I'm hurt." I reverted back to my emotionless self with a hint of actual hurt. I walked away.

"H-hey, wait!" Aizawa tried reaching out for me but I brisk-walked to the entrance of the building.

Stupid me thinking I could be friends with someone... In the end, you always hurt them and yourself.


Will (f/n) be able to hold on to this new relationship or will she flunk it just like the one before? Who is this mysterious violet haired male and what is his role in this plot? What awaits behind the doors of USJ? TUNE IN NEXT TIME TO FIND OUT!


Yo! Thanks for reading another chapter of "New Beginnings"! Till next time fellow readers!


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