Who Are You?

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5 Months Later...

"I think you've grown into one fine villain (Y/n)."

"Thanks, Kurogiri." Suddenly an arm went around my shoulders.

"She's always had the potential, ever since the boss and I laid our eyes on you (Y/n), we knew you'd become a great villain." Shigaraki, the supposed leader of the League let out a hearty laugh.

"Hey hey hey, hands off my girl." The purple haired knight, Shinsou, swatted Shigaraki away.

"Ok ok, chill dude. I was just trying to be friendly." The blue-haired boy winked.

For the past five months, the league's been training me to become a villain. At first, I tried to resist them but after seeing a very dark side of Shinsou... I had to join. Who knew I had dated a potential serial killer?

But there's also the guilt of being the reason why he became crazy.

These past months have been torture. Shinsou threatened me to get back together with him or he swore he'd kill Aizawa and all of U.A. I don't have my doubts about that.

But what's really bad are his mood swings. One day he's yelling and punishing me for not letting him kill anybody then the next he's apologizing and saying he loves me. One time I told him I'd leave him and he screamed bloody murder and told me he didn't need me. And just a few minutes after I kid you not I was trying to get some air and he just hugs me and cries, telling me to not leave him alone.

'When will this all end?'

"(Y/n) only loves me, don't you princess?" Shinsou rested his head in the crook of my neck letting his warm breath make me shiver internally. I could only nod in response.

Behind this lovely cute innocent face is an abusive boy who cuts his own girlfriend so she won't leave him. He's really misunderstanding my healing abilities. Sure my body heals fast but it still hurts.


Third person POV

As the days go by there isn't one minute that Aizawa isn't thinking about you. His heart's still aching to see you again. How he longs to feel your soft gentle hands hold his.

'Where are you (Y/n)?' Aizawa thought as he looked up at the sky.

His fellow teachers and friends tried their best to help him get over it but he's become hostile. Even more hostile than before. They couldn't imagine what he was going through. All they could do was be there for him when he'd finally break.


Forest Training Arc...

"Alright students, get on the bus." A lazy voice said.

As students piled into the bus he could hear the excitement in their speech.

'It won't last long...'

Time skip~

(At moment Aizawa is fighting with Dabi and sees (Y/n) in the distance.)

As I watched Aizawa fight with Dabi I couldn't help but interfere. A sense of guilt filled my mind so I destroyed the clone. And that's when Aizawa noticed me and turned.

"Oi! Show yourself!" Aizawa shouted.

My body froze. It was him. I couldn't believe it. He looks the same as the last time I saw him, but more sleep deprived. My heart sunk. It was so painful knowing that we were on opposing sides.

There was no way for me to escape the hands of Shinsou and the League.

Tears streamed down my eyes. 'I can't risk getting found just yet.'

Aizawa ran towards my direction. 'I can't let him see my face'

I began running away, I felt my quirk being erased and shot a glance at the man running behind me. His eyes were glowing red. Those same beautiful eyes I saw when we first met.

I clenched my fists and picked up my pace until he finally caught my arm with his weapon.

"Who... Are you? Are you part of the League of Villains? Why'd you save me?"

"Boy, you sure do ask a lot of questions, Eraserhead." His eyes widened.

'This voice...I know I've heard it somewhere before.' *Sudden flashback of (Y/n) calling him a Hobo*

"(Y/n)?" His eyes turned back to their normal black signalling that he wasn't using his quirk.

'Oh, that's my cue.'

"The name's Chironex." And in the blink of an eye, I shifted into the shadows.

"Chironex..." He whispered to himself. "Ah... She's gone."


"(Y/n), why'd you destroy my clone?" Dabi looked disappointed.

"No reason." I shrugged.

"Oh... I see. You didn't want to see your lover get kicked in the butt. Mhm, don't worry I won't tell Hitoshi."

"You better not." I shot an annoyed expression at his stupid smirking face.

"How could you kill my precious creation (Y/n)! You're so cruel!!" A new villain hugged my legs.

"Don't be so dramatic Twice, you can always make another one."

"COLD! You're so considerate (Y/n)!"

I rolled my eyes at the seemingly annoying villain.

'What have I gotten myself into.'


"Look (Y/n), that Pro-hero Eraserhead is on the news." Dabi teased.

"Stop it Dabi!" My face felt a little flushed.

The scarred villain shrugged.

The past two days I couldn't stop thinking about Aizawa. He almost figured out who I was.

"EH? I ain't gunna join your stupid club! I'd rather die than be in the same team as you losers!" The blonde teen spat out.

'I feel bad that we have to have him here all bound. He must feel so helpless. I hope someone comes to save him... And is successful.'

Just as I had finished thinking there was a knock at the door.

"Pizza delivery!"



Sorry, just ranting.

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