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Cautiously a dark figure opens the door and approaches the sobbing man. Without hesitation, the stranger puts their hand on his shoulder. The man flinched.

"Aizawa." The mysterious person said.

"...Nezu?" Aizawa wiped his teary eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining things.

Aizawa hadn't eaten or slept in four days. Usually, he'd be able to get in at least a few hours of rest but he couldn't. Not when you were missing.

"I know you're still shocked about her being taken and all..." The small mouse...dog bear... principal began. "But your students need you... Not to just teach half-heartedly then leave, but YOU. They're all worried."

The raven-haired man didn't answer but just stared down at the floor. True, lately he hadn't been treating his role as a teacher as seriously. He would always daydream and have a concerning look on his face like he saw death. This bothered the students greatly. What was going on with their beloved teacher?

Aizawa contemplated for a bit. "I'm sorry sir... I just can't focus. The one person I started to care about disappeared before my eyes. I couldn't save her..." He turned back to the principal. "Where is she?" His eyes pleaded for an answer but knew inside that no one would have it.

"We've asked the police to allow us to join in their search for her. Now I would ask if you'd like to help out too but I think you should take a break. Get some sleep...Eat." The little mouse bear dog...principal took Aizawa's hand and put a candy on his palm then left through the door.

As Aizawa sat there, he stared at the little sweet and took a deep breath. 'He's right... I can't help anyone in this state.' He thought.

He rubbed his red puffy eyes and blinked hard. Falling to the floor he fell into deep unconsciousness.

Aizawa's Dreamland~

Everything was dark and I could hear... Waves? My body felt warm from a heat source above. "Hey, Shota. Wake up!" 'Someone's poking my face. Ugh I bet it's Hizashi...' Suddenly my eyes open. "Stahp it Hiza-..." 'Not Hizashi... She looks quite familiar... (e/c) coloured eyes and (h/c) hair.' "(Y/n)?" The girl smiled with her eyes closed.

"Come on you sleepyhead! Let's go into the water!" She pulls me from the picnic blanket I had been apparently been sleeping on towards the blue crystal-like ocean. 'I see now. I beach with (Y/n). Is this... Is this real?' "COME ON SHOTA PLAY WITH ME!!" 'Aha... It almost seems too good to be true.'

After a few moments of watching his love play in the water-

"Shota..." The girl whispered in his ear. 'W-wait what? She never calls me by my first name.' His froze. 'She never NEVER calls me that. Is this a dream?'

Suddenly everything went dark. The figure known as (Y/n) no longer looked cheerful and happy. Her eyes had turned into dark orbs with blood slipping down onto her cheeks.

'Wait. WHAT'S GOING ON?' He tries grabbing (Y/n)'s hand but noticed that she was just like a ghost. Unable to be in the form of a physical body unlike before during the sunny beach scene when he was able to feel you.

Bloody cries of help escaped what seemed to be (Y/n). "AAAGHCH." Aizawa held his hands to his ears, for the screams were inflicting pain to his eardrums. (Y/n)'s ghostly body began to disappear making Aizawa jump to grab her but she wisped away. "(Y/N)!!" He cried.

Back to reality~

"(Y/n)!!" The dark-haired man rose up from the floor. As he hyperventilated he felt sweat drop from almost every inch of his body. He scanned the room in hopes of being back in reality. 'What was that all about?'

He wiped the sweat off his forehead and decided to take a shower.


"Wake up princess~"

"MMph..." I cracked my eyes open to see Shinsou hovering above me.

"I want you to meet some people-- here." He held up a new set of clothes and put it on the edge of the bed.

"Lemme just do this first." He reached over and unlocked the chains that held my arms and legs.

"Why are you letting me go? Shouldn't you be more cautious of me?" I said weakly.

"Hm. True but I know you wouldn't try to escape. You're smarter than that." He smirked. "Well, just come out when you're done. I'll be outside." Then he left me sitting on the bed.

'Might as well put these clothes on cuz mine aren't looking very well.'

Once I finished putting on a new pair of blue jeans and plain black t-shirt I slowly opened the door and found Shinsou leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

Once I closed the door he opened an eye.

"Done? Alright, let's go."


As we walk down a dimly lit hallway he puts his arm around my shoulders, making me flinch.

"Don't worry, they're nice people. I'm sure you'll like them."

I stare at him, analyzing his features. He looked almost the same as the last time I saw him except with more and messier hair, at least a head taller than me (the last time I saw him we were about the same height), and there're dark circles under his eyes.

Suddenly he stops and turns to a black door. "Ready?" He gives me a mischievous smile and opens the door. "Welcome to the League of Villains Base!"

Before me was a small bar and a couple of couches taken up by four individuals. A purple mist looking guy in formal attire, a guy with light blue hair and hands all attached to him, a girl with messy blonde buns in a high school uniform, and a late teen boy with spiky black hair and staples pinned to purple patches of flesh on his face.

Taken back by their appearances I froze in nervousness.

"So this is the famous (Y/n) we've heard so much about huh." The blue haired guy spoke.

"That's Shigaraki, that guy behind the bar table is Kurogiri, the other guy is Dabi-

"Onee-san! I'm Toga! I heard so much about you!" The blonde girl jumped at me holding me in a bear hug. I was too shook to move that I just stared down at her with a confused look while Shinsou laughed.

Dabi pulled her off of me and smacked her head. "Don't do that you twerp." He said with an annoyed look. "Sorry." He looked at me briefly before pulling Toga away.

"Come sit with me over here." Shinsou, who was now sitting on a stool in front of the bar, waved his hand at me to sit next to him and Shigaraki.

"Would you like a drink (Y/n)?" The nicely dressed villain said.

'Whoa... He called me by my first name... Not that it's wrong but it feels so weird having it come from a villain being nice.'

"U-uhm... Do you have any juice?" Suddenly Shigaraki spat out his drink.


Pewpewpewwwww. I got a 19/40 on my chemistry test AHA...Cue the depressing thoughts!

But writing always makes me feel better so it's all good.

Thanks for reading! BYEEEEE~~~~

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