Let Me Just Say...

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"Here... You must be thirsty after being out for so long." The purple haired villain held up a glass of water.

So me being me with my stupid brain, let him help us drink it without even thinking it could be poisoned even the slightest. I was thirsty so why not. He even offered to hold it up to my mouth so I could drink it.

After a few moments of swallowing that liquid, my body became heavy.

"Agh... W-what is this? I can't move!" 'Not like I could really move a whole lot in the first place.'

"AHA, I took extra precautions since we don't know a whole lot about your quirk. Aww, you look so helpless all chained up like that." The boy inched closer till our noses touched. "You're so cute." His warm breath made me shiver. Then he laid down next to me.

"Just like old times when we'd lie on your bed and talk about stuff... So, let's start from the beginning shall we?"

Story Telling Flashback~

"So it all started when I was born into a villainous family. I never wanted to become a hero, oh no nono. My parents taught me the ways of a villain and said that I'd be an exceptional one with my quirk. But all the time, when I had my doubts, they always said I could choose my own path. I was allowed to be either a villain or hero and they would support me either way. They were the most loving parents you could ask for. And as their 10-year-old son, not wanting to have their hearts filled with possible future hate and guilt for choosing to be a hero, I chose the same path as my parents. When I told them about my decision, they were thrilled. I was put into a villain academy, of course, hidden in disguise as a normal high school. And then...I met you."

"I-i'm so sorry! Are you alright?" A (h/c) haired girl held out her hand to the violet-haired boy who she'd just bumped into.

"I'm fine thank you-" Thy boy looked into her (e/c) orbs. They were dazzling, making his heart beat faster and faster every second he stared. After realizing what he was doing he finally took her hand, letting her pull him up.

"I'm glad you're okay-Uh, hey what wrong?" The girl panicked seeing as the boy had tears falling down his cheeks.

"What? Oh." The boy wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry... You just have very... beautiful eyes." The two stared at each other.

"...Thank you... No one's ever said anything that nice to me in a long time." The girl blushed, making the boy's face heat up realizing how embarrassing his comment was.

"A-ah, my name's Shinsou, Hitoshi." The boy nervously held out his hand.

"I'm (y/n and l/n), nice to meet you!" The girl took his hand and shook it.

"If I'm not mistaken, your uniform... It's U.A. right?"

"Yes! aha, this is my first year at U.A., what about your uniform? I don't believe I've seen it before." She pointed at the badge located on the top left of his suit.

"O-oh, yeah... It's a private academy located on the other side of the 23rd ward." (HEY, Author-chan here! Imma just call different cities wards with a random number. FYI, It doesn't have any significance to the story whatsoever.)

"Oh cool!" The girl glances down at her watch. "SHOOOOOT I gotta go now! Seeya around Shinsou!" And the girl was off, leaving a lovestruck purple haired boy waving.


"Ahh... I would call it love at first sight. When I got to class I was pretty popular with girls but the only thing I could think about was you. I wanted to see you again and tried my luck the next day, and you were there! I was surprised you were such a care-free girl and became friends with me. Seeing you made my heart race every time we talked."

"H-hey (Y/n)."


"We've known each other for at least two years now and..gosh I don't know how to say this but... Will you be my girlfriend?" The girl quirked an eyebrow.

"I've liked you for a long time and I wanted to... become something more. I-its fine if you don't feel the same way! I just wanted to finally get it off my chest."

"Aww, Shinsou! OF COURSE I'LL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" The girl jumped on top of the boy making them both fall to the ground.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting for like, ever!"

"R-really? I guess I should have asked earlier HAHA." The purple haired boy stopped with a serious look and raised his head to meet (y/n)'s forehead and kissed it.

"My first kiss... My head was so foggy with love the whole night when I got home. And my parents were so happy for me that they called the villain league over and had a party. Those were the best two years of my life... If it weren't for that Soako girl it'd been longer." Hitoshi gritted his teeth. "All because she couldn't take no for an answer....I lost you because of her. Oh yeah! So while we had our breakup... You used your quirk on me. Everything went dark at first but then there was a voice. Demonic... It showed me my greatest fears and kind of flipped a switch in my brain. It triggered something, making me insane after I woke up. But I was able to carry on with life as an even greater villain." His tone became relaxed. "But there was something missing... In my heart. Sure I was a successful villain but the hole in my heart longed for you again and again."

"And now here we are! Together again." He gently caressed your chained hands.

"I think it's time for a break." The purple haired adult stood up and walked to the door but stopped to look at your helpless figure.

"Goodnight princess."



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