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Apparently, the student who escaped USJ brought the pro heroes just in time, All Might made the villains retreat, only a few students had minor injuries, Pro heroes Eraserhead and Thirteen were fatally injured, and here I am... Lying on my couch.

I had just been discharged from the hospital and Nezu gave me a call telling me that the hospital bans me from going to work for at least a week.

"Who's going to clean the school while I'm gone? AARGhh, the floors'll be filthy when I get back! All because of you! Back injury!"

I guess it's not that bad since this injury ruins my cutting routine... I've always been amazed by my body's ability to heal itself. When I first started the cuts would be healed the next day with a barely visible scar. I stare at the brown scars scattered around the length of my arm. I found down through the years that if I cut more aggressively in one spot multiple times it takes a bit longer to heal. At most, it would take three days. I've always wondered what would happen if my arm was cut off. Would I grow another one?

I shook my head. I'm just making myself uncomfortable.


I looked down to see Shadow crawling up to the foot of the couch begging me to pet him with his emerald eyes(I forgot what colour his eyes were so if it wasn't this colour then oh well), and I gave in and started scratching behind his ears. Just then I heard the door unlock.

A fully bandaged body with flowy black hair peeping out the top stepped into view.



I fell off the couch with a thud but the giggles wouldn't stop. Tears formed in my eyes.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA-ACK!" I felt a sharp pain in my back as I tried holding myself up.

"Are you ok?" I looked up, there was no hint of concern in this phrase, but I blame that on the bandages over his mouth. He knelt down in front of me.

"I could ask the same for you. What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?"

"U-uhm well, I hate hospitals so I.... snuck out."

"How did you even "sneak" out with that attire?" I grabbed a loose piece of the bandage on his arm and wrapped it back securely.

"You should take better care of yourself even if you're a pro-hero. I wouldn't want the person I care about to get hurt any more than he is."

He cocked his head to the side. "Care for?"

"Huh? WHAT NO I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY I JUST-YOU KNOW WHAT NEVER MIND!" I jumped onto the couch and leaned my head back. A weight dropped itself on my lap.

"W-what are you-" "Sshh, let me sleep." He grumbled.

His rhythmic snores somewhat calmed me. Though his appearance of a mummy man kinda scares me. I tried sleeping but the weight on my lap was too distracting so I turned on the tv to watch (f/m).

"Mmph." I looked down to meet his gaze.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I looked back up at the tv.

"I should be the one saying sorry."

"Hm?" I looked back down.

"I saw how I hurt you the other day... And... I couldn't even protect you when the villains appeared." I heard the lump in his throat.

So that's been bothering him?

"It's okay, I'm just sensitive, and it's fine that you couldn't protect me, you did your best for the kids."

"But it's not fine with me-"

This side of him made me really worried. I stroked his hair trying to calm him down as best as I could. I felt each soft lock, making me wonder what kind of shampoo he uses...

"I forgive you so don't get so worked up about it. I'm fine now, aren't I? I'm still here."

"You forgive too easily."

"What, you don't want me to forgive you?"

"No, it's just... you could get into trouble being so carefree like this."

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind."



" I care about you... You're... important to me." Whoa, why's he getting all mushy on me?

"I care about you too Aizawa." WHAT WHY'D I JUST DO THAT? I stopped petting his hair.

"You hungry?"

"N-not really."

"Kay well, I am so if you don't mind getting off?" He reluctantly sat up and I headed into the kitchen.

After a few minutes, I came back with a bowl of popcorn and plopped onto the couch.

"You shouldn't be eating snacks when you're hungry."

"Yeah, keep telling me that Mummy man. You want some?" I held the bowl in front of him and watched as he struggles to grab some. He ended up just pushing popcorn on the floor.


Aggravated, I took a handful and stuffed it into his mouth through an opening he had made.

"GAaGH...OI! What was that for-" "Don't talk with your mouth full." I held my finger to his lips.

For a few moments, everything felt awkward. I pursed my lips and turned away, feeling heat form on my cheeks. Darn feelings. He's just... A friend?

Third person POV- Two Days ago...

Aizawa fought with the nurses into letting him see (Y/n). Even though he was fatally injured, it didn't stop him from being worried about his beloved friend. When he finally persuaded them to let him in the room he was horrified. There you were lying on your stomach so your back could heal. You were unconscious at the moment and all Aizawa felt was guilt. His eyes trailed down the many wires you were connected to. The doctors said that if not for your body's healing properties you would have ended up dead, especially with all that blood loss from the stab. But even if your body could heal itself quickly, you still needed the nutrients to help strengthen the healing process.

Aizawa stared at the large tear in your back. Your body was hard at work forming new bonds with the broken bones and skin cells in your upper body. Doctors watched in awe as your body repaired itself during your x-ray.

No one saw this but... He cried. Silently he grieved for you. Tears streamed down his bandaged face onto the cold floor. He called your name but whispered.

"(Y/n)... I'm so sorry."



Are the feels finally being reciprocated? Who knows? Will (Y/n) be able to handle her long lost friend Love? What will become of this friendship? Till next time fellow readers!


Whoooop, that last part made me cry. *sniffle* He really does care.

Hey guys! thanks for reading!

Hope you guys are enjoying this series so far! Well, till the next chapter~ Seeya then!

- Mei

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