The Darkness Is Consuming

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In Principal Nezu's Office...

"Bakugo... I have but one question for you." The little mouse, bear... dog or whatever he was stared straight into the frightened teen's eyes, his serious expression never wavering.

The blonde boy flinched at the sudden words of his authority.

"With all that's happened, most families have been afraid and hesitant to trust U.A. and its staff. But since you were the victim here... Do you still trust us?" The principal looked at him innocently.

The boy gulped and looked down at his shoes. He hadn't thought about that. He was so focused on trying to be the best and not letting anyone get in his way that he forgot that... There were people who cared about him and... The one hero academy that he's been dreaming of going to since he was a kid is at stake here!

"I-I....Of course, I trust everyone here. That's the entire reason why I came here." Bakugo clenched his teeth as he felt his eyes watering. He didn't want the principal to see him cry. The only other human being who ever saw him cry was his mother.

The principal sighed in relief. "I see." His gaze was led to his brown hardwood desk, expression softening.

"I hope you have a good day Mr. Bakugo. You are dismissed."

The boy hesitantly stood up and bowed. After closing the door behind him he noticed his black-haired teacher walking towards the principal's office.

They both made eye contact before going in opposite directions.

The grey clouds thundered at the appearance of the boy once he stepped out of the front doors of the school. Tiny droplets of cold bullets shot at the ground until they got harder and harder.

The ground seemed darker than before. His hair began falling down, getting soaked from the sadness of the angels above.

He shivered and began walking his lonely way home. A shadow was cast over his eyes, he felt as is he had let everyone down, even his head.

The final stage had begun. Warm streaks flowed down his cheeks. Darkness covered the sky.

He looked and began sobbing quietly to himself... or maybe he was begging for something. He made a wish to the distant stars behind the dull clouds.

A sigh fell from his lips as he continued on his way home.


Your POV...

'The madness is driving me crazy...' You thought as you pulled on your hair with teeth clenched.

Even the most skilled of us have problems...

"GAAAAGH!" Your hands held both sides of your head. A massive headache hit you by surprise.

"AAAAAHHGH UGHHCHSHUAAAAHGH!" Falling to the ground you hear random whispers.

Your head shoots up. "WHO'S THERE?!" You look around and notice nobody. Just darkness.

You begin hyperventilating. It's as if there were some giant monster sitting on top of your chest. You shut your eyes closed, afraid of what could possibly be in front of you.

After getting yourself together you open your eyes to reveal nothing.

"What?-AAAAAGHHH!!" Your heart feels like its being squeezed. You grip your chest threatening to rip your clothes off. Sweat dripping down your face....You were burning up.

Suddenly you feel pain surge through your entire body. Your body was tense. Your eyes shot out a blinding glow of purple.

You couldn't breathe. Your body began to levitate on its own. You couldn't control your own body at this point. It was cold.

You let out a deafening scream as the sound waves bounced around the room. Waves of purple were shot from your body. Pieces of cement fell the ground. The building was on the verge of collapsing.

Your expression showed fear. You felt yourself crying but all that came out of your eyes was purple wisps of smoke.

'The darkness... Is consuming me.'

Everything went black.


Herro Herro my people...

How've you been? Are you doing alright? I hope you're eating well.


I'm SO SO sorry for the delay. Lemme tell you a story.

So on my way back from dropping off my brother to college, I fell off of a fence. I ALMOST DIED GUYS LOL

I got a concussion and have been having problems since then. Fortunately, I didn't black out then nor did I get a bump from the fall (which actually surprised the doctor I went to see). I actually stood right up after falling but everything was spinning.

I keep getting bad headaches and I'm having trouble with my eyes to which the doctor recommended I take time off the screen. Hence the delay in updates.

Thanks a bunch for being patient with me I appreciate it. Don't worry, I'm not leaving forever, but I am leaving for three weeks in October.

Also, I'm trying to look for my notes for this fanfic (I write everything on paper before writing on Wattpad). It might take a while for the next update but hey...

3K READS?! LIKE, WHAT? Thanks so much, guys... At first, I wrote this because I was like, no one's gonna ever want to read my trash... but now, after getting so many positive feedbacks, I'm writing this for you readers. Because it makes me happy when you're happy.


Also, don't forget to vote!

K Love you <3 Byeee


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