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"Do we seriously need to go in...?" Hoseok asked in a whining manner. Despite that there are at least 6 people who cannot agree more, Jungkook and Minghao insisted that they should.

"Come on! It's going to be fun!" Jungkook pushed. Jimin hated himself for the first time that he spoiled their maknae too much.

"But, seriously, Soonyoung hyung, Seokmin and Seungkwan look like they are going to die," Mingyu shot a few worried glances towards the three, while Yoongi also directed his own gaze towards Hoseok, who looked exactly the same. "Is it really okay?"

"We won't be there for long, I promise." Minghao promised. Little did he know that he is not able to.

The 20 boys, called upon together by the 97 liners (sans Seokmin), decided to pay the infamous mansion a visit. The mansion was once owned by a rich guy. No one knows what happened after the master of the house had died. By the time everyone remembered the mansion, it has become a well-known haunted house.

Rumours say that girls' giggling and the sound of piano can always be heard at night, things breaking, and occasionally it looks like something is burning inside. However, every time when someone checked if there's anything wrong, it just looks the same as before, so it kind of became well known as an urban legend.

The mansion did look like a haunted house, but that's because no one care to clean it - it's just too large. Cleaning it will be a huge work. Which is why the walls are darkened by time, vines growing around the fences, grass growing wildly in the yard. But other than these, it actually didn't look that bad. Just creepy.

"We are going to come back out within 5 minutes, promise?" Seokjin grumbled. He sounded rude because he's scared. Not that anyone cared because he's the oldest.

"Promise," Jungkook nodded, and proceed to open the door.

"...I am surprised that it isn't as dirty as I thought." Namjoon observed.

"Same. I thought it would be coated with dust, but no." Seungcheol nodded in agreement. "It is surprisingly clean, for a house that is deserted for at least 8 years."

The lobby is not very large, but there are a bunch of doors, leading to various rooms. Right in the middle, there are a pile of staircase leading to the second floor. From the ground, only a corridor is visible, but apparently the corridor leads to rooms on both sides.

"Let's go upstairs to have a look!" Minghao suggested. Except Jungkook who agreed enthusiastically, others just followed because they do not have a choice.

Wonwoo squinted his eyes. He is not entirely confident about his vision because he's short-sighted, but he is sure that he just saw something moved through the corridor. A shadow.

"Wonu? What's the matter?" Mingyu turned to see Wonwoo spacing out.

Wonwoo hesitated before opening up, "I thought I see a shadow running through. I don't know if I am imagining things or what."

Mingyu looked back to the corridor. He could only see the large group of people.

"It's probably nothing...? Maybe you are nervous."

"Maybe..." Wonwoo replied uncertainly, before holding Mingyu's hand. "I got a feeling that we should all stay together."

"Yeah, me too," Mingyu mumbled, before yelling at the crowd. "Guys, can we stay together?"

"Got it!" Hearing Mingyu, Jungkook yelled back.

And so they did. "We look like a huddle of penguins," Taehyung giggled.

"Agree," Jimin answered. In fact, he didn't really want to talk because same as Wonwoo, he had an uneasy feeling.

The group finished luring around the mansion. Taking the lead, Vernon reached the main door and turned the door knob. Then again. And again.

"Guys, we are screwed." He announced. "The door's locked."

~From now on, the chapter's character is the pov of the according chapter.~

A/N: It's Bangtan's 5 year anniversary today and here I am uploading some creepy shit

Welp! Anyway! Hope Bangtan can keep up their hard work, their attitude, and the bonding between members - all qualities that made them become the first K-pop group that I love!

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