02. Kim Mingyu

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I panicked a bit when Wonu talked about seeing a shadow running through, more when the door became locked, and now I am really panicking a lot because I hear a voice.


I jumped and turned my head around a bit too hard, and my neck hurts. But there's no one behind me.

I turned back and saw concern in Wonu's eyes.

"What happened?" Jihoon hyung asked me. I wondered if I should tell the truth, and at last I decide to tell half of it.

"I thought I heard someone." I replied. Wonu seemed really shocked.

I didn't pay attention to the conversation, wondering if I hallucinated, until Yoongi hyung - the one who looked like a grown-up Jihoon hyung, spoke.

"...It's my turn to hear a voice. A girl. She said 'you will never escape'."

I gulped when Taehyung hyung, or nicknamed V hyung, asked him if he's sure. Yoongi hyung nodded.

"Yeah, her voice is quite clear to me, to be honest." 

"The voice I heard is not that clear..." I said. It's true, but I heard it perfectly fine. Pathetic.

I spaced out once again until Jeonghan hyung announced that we split up. Wonu tugged my sleeve.

"Let's go," He said softly.

We headed off to the library. Wonu started to flip through the books.

you really think this is going to work?

I jumped again. Wonu stared at me - or more like, whatever is behind me.

I turned. No one.

"You- you didn't see anyone?" Wonu asked me. "There's a girl behind you just now. A freaking girl."

"No. But I heard her voice." I mumbled.

"What did she say?"

"Promise you won't freak out?"

"Like I would," He looked away.  "Just tell me."

"That one when we were still in the dining room, she said pathetic. Just now, it's 'you really think this is going to work?'"

"...Perhaps the rumours are real? The shadow I saw, voices you and Yoongi hyung heard, and..." Wonu counted, "Hoseok hyung. He looked like he wanted to vomit the whole time. As much as a person is scared, he wouldn't have that kind of nausea feeling. There's must be something wrong."

"Wow," I breathed out, "You are amazing."

"Shut up. We need the key."

"Yeah, I know." I chuckled and help him flip the books.

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