11. Lee Chan

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Hansol hyung came up with the horrible idea of searching the attic, and despite Seungkwan hyung's desperate protest, we went there anyway.

So here I am, spacing out in front of the bed, because seriously, I have no idea what to do.

The attic is quite small, with the small bed I am sitting on, a desk with a few drawers, and a simple chandelier. To be honest, the house is already old, but this attic? It feels like it's going to collapse at any moment. Seriously, even if there are really ghosts, I will still be more concerned about this place crumbling than those supernatural things.

I am sure Seungkwan hyung share the same opinion as me, because he's making sure the wooden plank in front of him won't crack suddenly before he actually proceed the next step, despite his fear for ghosts.

While Vernon hyung...I am not really sure what he is doing. He seems to be searching the drawers but I feel like he's enjoying the random book he found in one of them.

"What on earth are you reading?" I ask him.

"You should take a look of this too--Hey, Seungkwan, come here!"

Seungkwan inched towards his direction while I also walk very carefully to Vernon hyung.

I flipped to the first page as soon as Seungkwan also settled down, and we read a few entries.


What day is today? I don't know anymore. Master never let us out or know the day. I lost count of date.

Anyway, today is nothing more pleasant than the previous ones. Master continued to make us work like a slave, although we at least have decent clothes. Not that it's really important.

He beat the shit out of Gahyeon again. She's still new to this large place. At least she won't get lost, I think. All she did was just accidentally wiped off that little paint. You never taught her how to do that, nor gave us any time to teach her.

The Lady is not any better. She locked Han Dong sis up again because the dish is not her taste. Hell, you are just picky.


Master's niece came today. But she can't help us at all...She had the effort. But she's too little and didn't know the ugly sides of her uncle and aunt. At least seeing her made me feel a little better.

Gahyeon got a lot more wounds after yesterday. JiU sis treated her.

If only I knew curses...I could save us all.


JiU sis told me she caught a spider as pet. Hopefully master won't find out. And hopefully Yoohyeon sis isn't broken enough to kill it.

Gahyeon chat with me. I told her there's nothing we can do.

Most of the other entries are similar, ranting about how cruel "Master" and "the Lady" was. But there's one entry that made Seungkwan turned white. I read from there onwards.


Master accidentally killed Gahyeon.


Yoohyeon sis went insane. She killed the spider. Siyeon sis and SuA sis jumped out of the window together, saying they are going to escape. But I could only see a large pool of blood outside that window.


No deaths today. I don't know if it's a good thing or not.


JiU sis finally found out that her spider died.


JiU sis locked herself with Yoohyeon in one of the guest rooms. By the time I unlocked the door, there were two bodies.


Han Dong sis asked me to drown her. I did.


Master asked me why I am the only one left this morning. I told him that there won't be anyone left after tonight.

Goodbye world. Or maybe not.


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