03. Min Yoongi

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As soon as Namjoon announced that we split up and find the key, people started to leave the room. I waited for all of them to go, and sat next to Hoseok.

"Are you feeling better now?"

He shook his head. "Hyung, however ridiculous it'd be, you have to trust what I am going to tell you."

"Of course."

He took a deep breath. "I see blood all around here. And here, the dining room and the kitchen, they are the bloodiest of all the rooms. I am technically sitting on a pool of blood right now."

"What?" I spat out, immediately pull him onto my lap. Quite awkward, but better for him to sit on something so unpleasant.

"Hyung, it's awkward, we need to save ourselves now--"

"I am not going to let you sit on that." I insisted. "Anyway, I am not surprised. I mean, Mingyu and I both hear noises, but that's only us, too. It's possible that each person comes over different things. You see blood, someone else may actually see gh--"

"No, hyung, stop..."Hoseok frowned, "I can't."

"Uh, sorry." I stopped rambling. "Anyway, perhaps we should go too? I think we should go to the study. Can you walk?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Come on, then. I can't give you a piggyback ride." I joked. That seemed to make Hoseok feel a little better.

"I know your lack of energy, hyung." He chuckled weakly.

We arrived at the study, situated on the deepest of the East Wing on the second floor. Namjoon and Seokjin hyung is already here.

"Oh,  you two are here." I said.

"You little brat, why do you sound disappointed?" Seokjin hyung snapped at me. I want to tell him that this is my tone for everything, but I don't bother.

"Any progress, hyung?" Namjoon asked us.

Hoseok shook his head. "Sorry, I was unwell so we didn't start searching right away then."

"He saw blood everywhere." I continued. Hoseok glared at me. I shrugged. Seokjin hyung seemed unconvinced.

"I don't see anything."

"Yeah, no one heard any girl's voice except me and and that tall dude." I scoffed.

"You mean Mingyu," Namjoon pointed out, and sighed, "Yeah, well, true. I also see something."

"Why didn't you say?" Seokjin stared at him.

"Do you want me to freak you out?" Namjoon threw back, "Anyways, I don't want to freak anyone out, but I might as well tell this to you guys. I actually saw a few corpses in a couple of rooms. But no one notice them, and they can actually step on them, well, without actually stepping on them. They are untouchable. Hoseok hyung, do you need to sit down?"

"...Sure, thanks."

how sad. you can't stop us, can you? because you can do nothing. you can never win us.

I frowned. Namjoon seemed to notice. "Yoongi hyung, noises?"

"Yeah," I replied, "We are mocked."

smart, aren't you? but not enough to win us.

I ignored them. How naive. "There aren't only one ghost."

"H-how do you know?" Seokjin hyung stammered. I am actually sympathetic towards him. Not knowing anything is sometimes scarier than knowing something.

"She mocked us by saying 'you can never win us'. Obvious, yes?"

"I see." Namjoon groaned. "I wonder if anyone is in the library. Maybe they would find something relevant."

"We will go then," Hoseok suggested, "The library is, well, the least bloodiest place."

"Good luck." Namjoon gave us a curt nod.

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