05. Xu Minghao

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"Jun hyung, look at this." I handed a photo to Jun.

"Don't be so polite. It's just the two of us." He jokingly said, taking the photo, "Who's this...? A girl?"

The girl is long-haired, expressionless. Her eyes are supposedly sharp, but in the photo her eyes are so dull that she looks like a lifeless body which somehow managed to stand upright.

"Yoongi hyung did said he heard a girl's voice, right? Maybe is this girl?" I guessed.

"Hmmm. Maybe. But there's no caption at all. She might be just a random girl."

Suddenly, I heard a squeal. Jun probably heard it too, since he looked at me, confused.

"Did you hear a--"

Noises. Things crashing, people running and panting out of horror.

"Jeon Jungkook! Wake up!" A voice, which I believe, belongs to Jimin, yelled

"This kid's name is Jungkook? Beautiful name. Good looking and have strong muscles too. Too bad he's not going to wake up as you wish. These muscles are really helping me out."

I blinked. 

"This voice is definitely Jungkook's...but why?"

"...Apparently he is not himself." Junhui frowned. "We have to go."

"To where?"

"Follow them."

I nodded. "Yeah, but we need a weapon. It'd be stupid to just use our fists if we need to fight."

He searched the cupboard next to the bed and fetched a thick stick and a clothes hanger, conveniently placed inside, somehow.

"Seriously? A hanger?"

"It's actually a nice choice of weapon." He winked. "Let's go."

We left the bedroom. Seems like Jungkook - or rather, the ghost possessing Jungkook - didn't even bother to run. He heard our footsteps and looked back at us.

I let out a gasp. His eyes are red.

"Ah, hi there, cute little kids." He grinned, "Nice to meet you. You want to play a game?"

"We are not in the mood to play a game." I sneered, "Who are you?"

"You do not need to know." Jungkook snarled, flashing a knife. "Do you want to play a game?"

Jun took out the photo we found. "Is this you?"

He remained silent. Then snickered.

"Heh. Haha. HahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He laughed like a maniac. I don't understand what's so funny about it. "Interesting. You've found something interesting. Sadly this isn't me. Now please gladly die for me."

He darted the knife towards me. I dodged. That little knife isn't going to hurt me.

Before I knew it, he grabbed my neck and slammed me onto the wall.

"Minghao!" Jun yelled.

"I can see you two love each other, huh." Jungkook scoffed, "Too bad you are going to die."

"I...won't die that easily."  

I aimed at his crotch and kicked really hard. He yelped, and I grabbed the chance to escape from his grip. Jun hit him with the stick.

Luckily, he passed out. Seems like the ghost isn't that strong. I slapped his face softly.

"Hey, bro, you good?"

After a few seconds, he groaned, and slowly open his eyes.

"...Ming...hao? What happened?"

"You're possessed, I supposed."

"What?!" Jungkook immediately bounced up, eyes widen when he saw the knife nearby. "Where, where's Jimin and Taehyung?!"

"Chill, they ran away," Junhui replied, "To that direction."

He pointed towards the East Wing.

"Oh, I see. Sorry for the trouble...Ugh, my crotch and head hurts..."

"Sorry, I kicked you and he hit you."

"......Since I am possessed, I am going to forgive you this time." He grunted. "I really have the urge to leave this place."

"Same here."

(A/N: YMMD is Jun's era. Fight me.
And wonwoo in beret is so goddamn cute I can't

And wonwoo in beret is so goddamn cute I can't

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