09. Park Jimin

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I feel something entered my body, then I lose control. But the horrible thing is that my conscious is still as clear as ever.

sweetie, don't be afraid. we are just playing some tricks.

A girl's voice rings in my head. Are you the girl who talk to Mingyu? Or Yoongi hyung? Are you the same one attacking Kook?

"You are not Jimin hyung anymore, are you?" Wonwoo asked.

No no no, I am still me.

hush, my dear. you are too talkative. stay put.

"Hi there, sweeties! What a mess you've got here..." The girl said through my mouth.

Can you at least tell me your name? I begged, do you need help? Why don't you just vanish like every other souls do? We can help you!

nobody can help us, sweetie. and who told you that every soul can go to heaven?

How about your name?

it's meaningless, sweetie. i don't have the duty to introduce myself. now hush.

Hobi hyung seems like he want to say something, but Wonwoo stops him.

"Please, let me. I can see her entering Jimin hyung." He plead. Hobi hyung hesitates, but finally nods as approval. Wonwoo turned to me.

"Who are you?"

"Why, you ask the exact same question as this kid!" She giggled. "Don't worry! He's still here. I am just controlling his body for some fun."

"You haven't answer my question. Who are you? Why do you have to torture us? How many of you are there?" Wonwoo blurted out a bunch of questions.

Please, just answer him. I beg you.

"Ugh...you and this kid are so similar." She sighed, "Fine. I will answer you questions one by one. First, who am I, yeah?"

Wonwoo nodded.

"Kim Yoohyeon. Born in 1897, technically a hundred years older than you all." Yoohyeon answered. "There are seven of us - Minji unnie, Bora unnie, Siyeon unnie, Handong unnie, Yoobin, Gahyeon, and I."

There are so many. I wanted to shiver, but I can't. It's more unbearable than simply being scared.

aw, sweetie, don't be afraid. i won't hurt you. not yet. just want to have a little fun and chat with our prey a little bit first.

"So, what do you want?" Mingyu asked out of curiosity. Wonwoo continued, "I don't really understand why you hated us so much. You locked us inside this mansion, create different hallucinations for each person, each one of you haunt one of us, and possess them. What's the point?"

"You seems smart, don't you?" Yoohyeon giggled, "Smart guys are cute. You look hot too."

Wonwoo seems unimpressed. Save for Mingyu - he looked like he want to kill Yoohyeon - me, right now.

"Just joking. You don't want to hurt your cute friend, do you?" She once again giggled, "I can only answer you a few out of all these inquiries. It's not interesting if I tell you everything, is it not?"

Yoongi hyung is really pissed off right now...I guess.

"You are basically mental fucking my dongsaeng. Just go straight to your point."

"Ouch, sweetie, your language is not that decent." Yoohyeon doesn't even flinch a bit. "And the one who is giving your boyfriend unpleasant sights, that's not me. Well, please imagine - you are trapped in this crappy mansion for a century, no one ever comes because of those urban legends. It's boring, isn't it?"

"So that's why you want to play with us?" Wonwoo smirked, "By killing?"

"Oh boy, don't jump to conclusions," Yoohyeon makes an innocent face - well, you know, using mine. "I don't want to kill. Well, yeah, perhaps I am interested in hurting you a bit? But, no, I don't look forward to your deaths. Some of my friends want to, and I can't stop them, can I?"

Hobi hyung, being quiet all the time since he's entered this place, speaks up. To be honest, I really appreciate how he can still keep his sanity.

"Why can't you? They are your friends. You can stop them."

"We are dead, sweetheart. Morals are not important." Yoohyeon frowned a bit, "Anyway, that's all I can tell you. Spoilers are not wanted. I can spoil a bit though. There are documents about us - about our histories - scattered in this building. If you can find them all, maybe you will be able to save us from darkness."

thanks for you body, sweetie! i am leaving now. oh, and you're cute~

Something left my body. I feel weak, and I can't quite stand up right now.

"Are you alright? Jiminie?" Hobi hyung rushed to me almost immediately.

"I am exhausted..." I whined, "Hyung, you are really something. You are suffering too."

"I am worried about my baby." Hobi hyung hugged me tightly. Although I don't actually mind him being sadistic all along, this time, for once, I actually feel glad that he is suffocating me.

"Thanks, hyung, but you can hold me a little less tightly..." I smiled.

"She just winked at you," Wonwoo, at the mean time, groaned, "and gave me a hand kiss."

"I swear--"

"Calm down, Mingyu. That's not going to help." Yoongi hyung cut him off. "She said we can find clues around the mansion, yeah? Let's dig up this room first."

A/N: I am only updating this book in these few days because I'm in Japan and I am really too lazy to type anything on the phone but there're a few drafts only in here
Anyway I just went to a store and found BTS and Twice merch lmao
But I got no money soooo QwQ

(Idk how to rotate it back, don't judge)

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