28. Choi Seungcheol

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Hannie and I dragged Wonwoo and Mingyu after Wonwoo's finally done with whatever he was doing to the living room. We still need to find that book Yoobin's hidden, after all.

"Seriously, what were you reading about? Did you just got absorbed into some junk?" Hannie huffed at him, "We still have to go out, you know."

"I know," Wonwoo replied nonchalantly, despite the little grin on his lips. "Although it might not be directly related to what we're current going through...it might be what gives them the idea."

"Idea?" Mingyu asked, "What idea?"

"You were clinging onto Wonwoo the whole time yet you don't know?" I asked in disbelief.

"Hey, I'm not the one who likes books," He pouted. What a puppy.

"Anyway," Wonwoo raised his voice before lowering it again, "You know how horror stories already existed for a couple of centuries? I saw a whole story inserted in various books, and the story sounds horribly similar to what we are encountering."

"Why are the pages inserted everywhere?" Hannie asked.

"Probably want to hide them away from their masters, I guess. They weren't suppose to do anything else other than being slaves during that time, after all." Wonwoo clicked his tongue, "Not that it's necessary. From the conditions of the books they weren't torn at all."

"But surely old books are...torn?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, but unused books aren't as torn."

During all the talk, we've already arrived at the dining room.

you sure don't give up, do you?

This is my first time hearing one of their voices. I jumped. Wonwoo apparently heard her as well, but maybe he's used to it already. 

"We won't give up. We still have a long life awaiting." He groaned.

Mingyu sighed and glared at an empty place. Probably where the ghost was.

huh, is that so. she sure gives you a lot of hints...

"Who gave us a lot of hints?" I asked.

ah, another one? you don't need to know anyways. 

"This is Lee Siyeon." Mingyu suddenly said.

oh, you recognize me? smart, huh. and i am guessing you also know who the others are.

"Are you the kill-us-all party? Or the opposite?" Wonwoo asked.

how about neither? i mean, i am fairly interested in playing with you guys. but i have no intention in killing you. accidentally killing you is a whole other issue, of course.

"So you have no problem watching us dead," Wonwoo snorted. That's a first. Although he looks emo, Wonwoo, in fact, doesn't really like sounding impolite even when he's pissed. He must be really upset right now.

ah, that is incorrect. if you died, i will have less entertainment, and i would be troubled by that.

"That's it, I'm done with you." Wonwoo hissed, "I've heard enough bullshit and taunting today. I am not going to give attention to the seven of you anymore today."

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