Part 25

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I know it's been almost a year since I updated. I am so sorry but I am here and back to finish this and I hope you enjoy :)



I've gotten better with dealing with my depression and anxiety. The kids are doing good and Tyler is good.

"Seth, we need to pick up the kids soon and you need to get Riley ready. We still need to go get Az and Wyatt so the kids can have a date night too." Fuck!

"Shit, sorry I will go get him. Stop moving around so much you'll hurt yourself and the baby." I got up and went to pick up my chubba boy from his crib in our room and then went over to Ty who was struggling to get up.

"This kid is freakin huge." He was bigger, he's struggling with it and he still has another month. I helped him sit up and then let him sit there for a minute well I grabbed Ri some clothes and his car seat. "Seth, I'm sorry I put you through this so many times." I laughed and looked over to him rubbing his stomach looking so uncomfortable.

"Baby, it's worth it. I know it's uncomfortable right now but it's worth it."

"I feel so sick right now, Seth like honestly I feel like I need to throw up." I quickly put Riley back in his crib before going over and helping Ty up and going to the bathroom with him well he threw up. I rubbed his back and held him well he threw up before helping him up when he was finished. He brushed his teeth and I rubbed his back. "Thanks babe. You can go finished getting Ri ready I'm okay."

"Are you sure babe? He's okay, I can wait till you're done brushing you're teeth and help you back to the bed." I didn't feel right leaving him. I know he's okay and will be okay but he's been having some bad morning sickness days and been getting dizzy spells more often.

"Yes, baby I'm okay." I nodded and kissed his cheek before going back to my baby who was wide awake trying to get his foot in his mouth.

"Oh, who's my silly baby boy? Hey baby. Yeah, you are." When he heard me he started whinning wanting to be picked up. "Oh, you're okay baby." I picked him up and finished putting his sleeper on right before grabbing some cute little baby blue joggers. It's a little chilly today. I've been getting better slowly, I'm taking some me time and trying to deal with my emotions a little better. I'm still slowly trying to get back to how I used to eat and sleep. It's hard after barley eating and sleeping to get back to normal. Like eating and sleeping I realized was stuff I can control so there for I was controlling them. Then after about a week of therapy and talking I started getting back into eating at least once a day now I'm into eating about two meals a day and I'm feeding my baby again.

"Babe?" I shook my head and looked up at Tyler who had Riley in his arms. "You spaced out and he was getting fussy. You okay baby?" I shook my head again to clear my thoughts and nodded.

"I'm okay. Sorry I was just thinking. You ready to head out?" I walked over to the dresser and grabbed baby's little jacket and blanket before going over and taking him from Ty and putting him in the car seat.

"You sure you're feeling okay babe?"He rubbed my back well I strapped in Riley. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist after I made sure my baby was in right.

"I'm okay. I didn't sleep that well last night but I'll try and sleep earlier tonight. Ri was fighting his sleep hard last night." Ty kissed me and tried to hug me as tight as he could, with his belly pressing hard against my stomach and let me tell you, it's so weird having a baby between us not in my stomach. And to be completely honest I'm depressed I'm not going to be able to experience it again but it's for the best and I know that.I didn't notice I started crying about too until Ty pulled back and wiped under my eyes.

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