Part 12

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 ~New Year’s~

 It’s been a week? A little over a week so Cole and I were going in for another appointment and I was hoping to squeeze Ty in there too. He said he has been feeling under the weather and I haven’t been feeling that great either so he was feeling bad thinking he got me sick. We were in the waiting room now and I was twenty four weeks now and Cole is twenty two. My due date is in three months and I can’t wait. This baby feels like it’s already so long and big, when they stretch it hurts so bad.

 “I seriously feel so bloated right now. I’ve never been over one-eighty in my life. Now I am up four pounds. What the hell is this.” Ty has been going crazy about his weight lately. I’m getting worried he might get one of those eating disorders.

 “Seth and Cole Carter?” We all got up and walked into the exam room. I let Cole go first and I sat down in the chairs with Ty and Travis stood by Cole’s side. The nurse took his vitals and everything asked the usual questions before saying our doctor will be in with us soon. Ten minutes later Dr. Troy came in.

 “Hey Cole. How are you doing today?”

 “These babies are really pushing on my bladder so if you don’t hurry up I am going to pee on your exam bed.” He whined and shifted more on the bed. Dr. Troy chuckled and went right to doing his ultra sound.

 “Remember what I said last time Cole?” Cole frowned and nodded.

 “If the second baby didn’t move then….” He sniffled and Travis was quick to hug him and rub his back. “We have to have a c-section within the next few weeks and hope they make it.” Dr. Troy nodded and lifted Cole’s shirt and squirted the gel on there.

 “I am going to be pushing down to get a better view, I am sorry for any discomfort.” The doc said before putting the wand thing down and pressing down. Cole was shifting in discomfort and he really did drink a lot of water

so I’m guessing he was pushing even more on his bladder. “Alright, the baby in the back has moved.” He smiled at Cole and Cole let out a big breath and cried, Travis had some tears in his eyes too. “This is a good sign. They both have a strong heartbeat, that great. The only concern I have is the baby’s size. Baby one is bigger than baby two, I am going to run some test just to make sure the baby is developing okay.” Ugh… I rubbed my stomach and closed my eyes. “Hey you okay over there Seth?” I groaned and rubbed a little harder.

 “Just stretching.” I moaned and took some deep breathes. God… four more months of this. Ty started rubbing my back and Dr. Troy finished the ultra sound after taking some pictures and Cole couldn’t get up fast enough to race to the bathroom. Travis chuckled following after him. As soon as they were out the door Dr. Troy turned to us with a serious face.

 “I’m concerned for baby two. They are not growing at the rate they should. I’m concerned they are not developing everything they should at this time. I would like to put him on bed rest sooner rather than later. I want to monitor him daily and mark the growth of baby two. Of course I will not admit him now but I would like to within the next week or so.” Geez… I closed my eyes and scratched the back of my neck.

 “He’s only twenty-two weeks. He is going to get so scared being in here so long. Would it be possible to maybe wait another month? He will be twenty six weeks and it will only be four weeks before he was original supposed to come in.” Tyler asked desperately. I guess he was remembering all my hospital stays that always gave me nightmares afterwards.

 “That could be arranged but please keep his walking to a minimal, he can only use the stairs maybe twice a day. And I need him to be taking his pills regularly I know he’s said in the past that he’s forgotten a day or two and I need him now to take them every day. The development of his baby depends on it.” Ty nodded and said okay. I have no clue how we are going to make this work with the kids bathroom being upstairs and everything on ground floor… Shit we are going to have to move the kids around and maybe…

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