Connor x Male!Reader | Bromance (Fluff)

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(GIF: ; November 19th 2020)

[Warning: may contain spoiler][Plot holes included]

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Plot holes included]

I was walking out of the airport, looking out for uncle Hank's car.

"I hope at least he tries to be here on time.."
I muttered to myself, sighing yet smiling.

I am Hanks nephew, since my mother is his sister.

I saw his car arriving, being surprised by his punctual arriving.

I walked up to the car, looking inside of it, meeting Hank and a man with brown eyes.

They were somehow pretty brown eyes.

"Alright, (Y/N). Here I am."
My uncle remarked and walked up to me.

"Long time no see, uncle Hank."
I said, smiling at him.

At the meantime, the man with brown eyes left the car as well.

I walked up to the trunk of the car, putting my luggage in it.

"(Y/N), this is my partner Connor. Connor, this is my nephew (Y/N)."
Hank introduced us before going back inside the car.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)."
Connor said, smiling at me warmly.

"Likewise, Connor."
I said, returning the smile.

I went inside the car and we drove off.

I was visiting Detroit after the events with the deviants.

Detroit got quite peaceful and the deviants got accepted by not just the United States, but the whole world.

They are accepted as living beings now, having the same rights as everyone else.

After arriving, i entered the house, getting greeted by Sumo immediately.

"Sumo..! I missed you!"
I remarked, petting him right away.

"I'm quite surprised he recognises me."
I added, looking at Hank in surprise.

Uncle just shrugged his shoulders, walking up to the couch.

"Well, since I'm going to stay here for a week, I will annoy you, so - I'm going to start today!"
I said happily, looking at Connor.

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now