Gavin x Female!Reader | I loose it on you (Smut)

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(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

[Warning: may contain spoiler][Warning: contains sexual content][Plot holes included][Requested]

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Warning: contains sexual content]
[Plot holes included]

I talked to Connor inside of the department's kitchen, enjoying hot chocolate.
"Finally.. my shift is about to end.."
I yawned as I leaned back into the chair.

"You look really tired, (Y/N). I hope you'll sleep well so you'll be okay tomorrow."
Connor said while smiling at me in trouble.
"Yeah, I hope so, too."

"(Y/N), are you ready to go?"
Gavins voice resounded, causing Connor and me to look at the entrance.

I took the last sip of my hot chocolate, putting it back down on the table.
"Now I am."

"See you around, Connor."
I added as I walked up to Gavin while facing him.
Gavin put his arm around my back, playing with my side a little bit.

I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, enjoying the pleasant feeling I got from his touch, even though it was at the department.

He led me to his car, opening the door for me even.
I sat down, waiting for Gavin to get inside and to drive off.

We didn't talk to each other while Gavin drove to his place, but it was a rather pleasant silence, since I had my eyes closed.

He placed his hand on my tight after a few minutes, caressing it while driving. I looked at him but he kept his view on the road, good for him.

I closed my eyes again until he started to caress my inner tights now, causing me to take a deep breath.

He grinned to himself, still not looking at me but at the road.

"What are you up to?"
I finally asked him, looking at him again.
"Nothing in particular. Why?"

"Oh, you're asking why?"
I laughed, placing my hand on top of his to stop him.
"Because I thought you were."

To my luck, he stopped with his games and just continued driving. He parked the car in his driveway before turning the engine off.

He leaned back into his seat, causing me to look at him again.
"Are you exhausted or frustrated?"
I asked him sincerely, leaning against him slightly.

I went over from the passengers seat to the drivers seat, sitting down on his lap to face him.

"Either of them."
Gavin said, kissing my lips right after.

We parted after a few moments, and I pressed my finger on his lips to avoid him from kiss me again.

"We're not going to make out in the car, got it?"
I said before giggling.

He moved my hand away to kiss my neck, causing a pleasant shiver run down my spine.
"Gavin.. did you listen to me?"

"You were talking with Connor often today."
Gavin remarked, his warm breath on my skin.
"We had a few things to discuss."
I told him before moving back to face him again.

He sighed, opening the door for both him and me.
"Thank you."
I said before leaving the car, unnecessarily loosing the balance after stepping out.

Gavin caught me while giggling slightly.
"Someone's exited."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. I'm not ex-"
I fake laughed before getting interrupted by Gavin, who pushed me against the car while kissing me.

"Take care not to fall for Connor."
Gavin muttered between kisses, causing me to roll my eyes slightly.

"You know I wouldn't do that. Who do you think I could?"
I asked with slight annoyance, looking into his eyes.

"I know.. I'm sorry, I just can't help it."
Gavin sighed, causing me to shake my head slowly.

I pushed him alway gently, walking past him to open the door to his house already.

He followed me in, closing the door behind him while embracing me from behind and kiss my neck.

I gasped in surprise, placing my hand on his head.

"I hope you don't mind."
Gavin muttered before pulling his t-shirt off.

His bare chest caused me to bite my lips, leading him to smile mischievously.

He put his hand under my shirt as well, wandering up my stomach, eventually taking it off as well. He went down on his knees, kissing my stomach while taking off my trousers.

Moving down with his lips, he gently kissed my womanhood through my panties.

I moaned slightly while holding onto Gavin's hair not too tightly.
He went back up, kissing my lips before lifting me up, causing me to surround his pelvis with my legs.

He put me down on the kitchen counter, not stopping to kiss me.

Gavin took off his trousers while I played with his abdominals before we started to kiss again. He played with your hair slightly while I went down to his manhood.

He groaned as I touched his member, causing me to grin.

I took off his pants as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"You're more exited than I am."
I teased him not just with my words but with me playing with his member as well.
"No wonder when it's you."

He moved my panties down and placed two fingers at my womanhood, playing with my clit carefully.

I moaned slightly, not stopping to play with his manhood though.

He stopped moving his fingers, putting my hands away from his manhood as well before pinning them down on the counter.

I felt his penis pressing against my womanhood, causing me to close my eyes in pleasure.

He didn't enter me yet, but he moved up and down to play with my clitoris. He kissed me while playing with my breasts, causing me to moan slightly.

"Gosh, Gavin.."
He asked with a husky voice, leading me to nod right right after, holding onto him already. He entered soon after and I moaned quietly, clinging onto him slightly.

He moved back and forth, causing a pleasant shiver run down my spine.

We hadn't had it for quite a long time, since we were too tired to do it. The past few weeks were exhausting due to the events in Detroit, that's probably why.

He quickened his pace, causing me to moan more often.

I started to move my pelvis with the little strength I had, causing Gavin to moan quietly.

I felt a pressure build up in my stomach, growing bigger and bigger each thrust Gavin made.
He didn't just slam into me in a quick pace but also in a pleasant strong way.

He pinned me down on the counter again, getting faster and faster as he wanted to release himself.

I couldn't hold the pressure anymore, causing me to cum. Gavin didn't stop moving since he still had it coming until he finally released himself inside of me.

Both of us panted while trying to catch our breath.
"Good luck cleaning it up."
I remarked, giggling to myself.

"Maybe I should have just messed you up more, huh?"
"Maybe, Gavin, maybe."

"Oh, ready for round two then?"
He teased after grabbing my butt.

"You should ask yourself."

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now