Connor x Female!(Depressed!)Reader | It's alright (Fluff)

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(GIF: ; January 28th 2020)

[Warning: may contain spoiler][Warning: contains depressing/sad content][Plot holes included][Requested]

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Warning: contains depressing/sad content]
[Plot holes included]

Captain Fowler muttered through the phone.
"Hank and Connor had an accident.. Connor died, Hank is severely injured.. I'm sorry to tell you.."
He added.

"He will die, too."
I said without hesitation, trying to sound normal yet having a trembling voice.

"I don't know.."
Fowler remarked with a bit of sorrow in his voice.
"Thank you for telling me."
I told him, hanging up on him.

I put my phone down on the table in the living room, looking apathetically into the distance.

An accident.
With a car.

Just like it happened with Cole nearly five years ago.
I muttered, holding my hands up to my face before my doorbell ring.

"No ones home."
I yelled jokingly, not intending to open the door.

The door opened anyway, causing me to look into that direction.

A familiar voice appeared, causing me to stand up rapidly.

"It's still strange to loose you yet seeing you come back every time."
I muttered, smiling at him in relief.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N).."
Connor said, walking up to me, pulling me into an embrace.

"That's not fair, why didn't it happen to me?"
I mumbled, looking at Connor.

"Psh. Don't cry, precious.."
Connor said to reassure me.

"I cry..?"
I remarked, touching my cheeks, feeling something wet there.

"Oh wow, I didn't even realise.."
I added, giggling in embarrassment while looking away.

"Hej, (Y/N), listen. Hank will make it."
Connor said, lifting my head up to look into my eyes.

"You died, Connor. If you would be human, you wouldn't be here now.."
I said in a hoarse voice.

"Luckily, I'm not human, right?"
Connor remarked, causing me to shake my head slowly.

"I defended Hank so he would take less damage to himself."
Connor added, leading me to look at him in surprise.

"Connor.. what was your analysis? About his probability to survive?"
I asked him, looking at him with hope filling my eyes.

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now