North x Chloe x Female!Reader | Truth or dare (Fluff)

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(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Plot holes included]

I rang the doorbell, waiting for the door to open.
A few seconds later, the door opened, exposing one of my best friends.

North greeted me, embracing me right after.

"Long time no see. I'm glad I'm finally back from London."
I said, hugging North back while smiling.
We parted after that, walking inside North's apartment.

"Chloe! You're here already as well?"
I asked her rhetorically, taking off my jacket and placing it on a chair in the meantime, walking up to her to hug her.

"Yeah, I arrived a few minutes ago."
Chloe said, hugging me back tightly.

After Chloe and I parted, I looked around the living room.
"Kara's missing?"
I noticed, looking at North.

"Yeah, she's with Alice. Alice doesn't feel well."
North informed me.
"Can androids have a fever?"
I asked them, causing them to giggle.
"For real now - I never thought about that."
I added, smiling in trouble.

"Yes, we technically can have a fever."
Chloe answered, causing me to nod but tilt my head to the side slightly.

"Okay, so it's just the three of us then."
North said, sitting down on the couch.

Chloe and I sat down on the opposite couch, facing North.
"Let's play truth or dare?"
She suggested, smiling at Chloe and me.

"Sure, why not."
I agreed, shrugging my shoulders while Chloe nodded.
"Do you have a bottle? We could use it for spin-the-bottle."
Chloe suggested, looking around to search for a bottle already.

"I'll go get a bottle, you two make space on the table for it. Got it?"
North told us while standing up.

Chloe and I took all the snacks from the table, putting it on the dining table a few metres away.
North returned with a wine bottle, placing it on the now empty table.

"Alright, we're ready to go then."
North added, looking at Chloe and me.
"Please, go easy on us, North."
Chloe said, giggling lightly.

"Of course..!"
North said, smiling mischievously.
"Yes, of course."
I repeated sarcastically, giggling while shaking my head.

North sat down, signalising to me with her hand to sit down.

Chloe and I sat down on the couch again, looking at North preparing herself to spin the bottle.
North asked, looking at Chloe and me.
We nodded at her and North spun the bottle. All of you waited for it to stop.

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now