Deviant!Connor x Deviant!Android!Reader | Dancing roots (Fluff)

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(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Plot holes included]

It was snowing and it was cold, but the sun was still shining and the weather wasn't all too bad for a winter day.

"The owner of this theatre died half a year ago and his son took over this place, but he's not here at the moment. People heard strange noises and some lights on in the theatre, so the son granted us permission to go and take a look."
Officer Ben Collins told Lieutenant Hank Anderson and Connor RK800.

"Um.. Connor, I'm going to look over some testimonies. Feel free to, uh.. go check out the building already."
Hank told Connor, leading him to nod.
"Sure, leave it to me. Feel free to join me later."

He opened the door carefully, looking around in the dark place, its only light being the sunbeams coming through the windows.

Connor entered the hall, being greeted by yet another dark room, just lit enough to see something without any additional light, before walking on top of the stage.

Everything was strangely tidy and neat, although this place was abandoned for more than a few weeks.
"It's a little bit unexpected to have a visitor in here."
My voice resounded, causing Connor to turn around abruptly to search for the person talking.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you."
I added, turning on the lights inside the hall before approaching him from behind.

My beautiful silk outfit shined because of the light in the room while my figure approached Connor.

"You worked in this theatre, is that correct?"
He asked while looking at me.

I stopped a little distance away from him after his remark.

"Yes.. yes, I did."
I replied before smiling bitterly.

"He died, didn't he?"
I asked in return, causing Connor to tilt his head to the side.
"He. The greatest showman, Arthur Morgan."
I explained while looking at the stage I used to perform on.

"I'm sorry for your loss."
"You needn't be."
I mumbled right after, leading him to approach me this time.

"Why are you still here..? I mean, I don't want to sound rude, but you're not acting here anymore. You could act somewhere else. Actors of such position could get good contracts."
Connor remarked, causing me to smile at him this time.

"They didn't know I deviated. They thought I was a normal android, turning off when not executing a program. The others are, but I am not. Deep down, Arthur knew that.."

"But deviancy isn't a crime anymore. It's legal since before Mister Morgan died. Why did you hide it?"
"We didn't hide it. I did."
My statement caused Connor to tilt his head to the side again.

I now finally got up on the stage before looking around.
"I knew Arthur didn't have much time left, but before I could tell him I deviated.."
"He died."
Connor ended my sentence, leading me to nod regardless.

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now