Hank x Female!Reader | Together (Light smut)

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(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

[Warning: may contain spoiler][Warning: contains slight sexual content][Plot holes included][Requested]

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Warning: contains slight sexual content]
[Plot holes included]

Both of us came back home after solving a homicide, being pretty exhausted by it, since it took us from all morning until the evening.

"I'm going to take a shower, my love."
I yawned while taking off my jacket, aiming for the bathroom already.

"I'm going to watch TV then."
Hank informed me, taking off his jacket as well.
"Maybe you could do the dishes?"
I suggested, giggling already since I knew he actually wouldn't do it.

"I don't understand you.. we have a dishwasher, you know, just put them in there and turn it on."
Hank remarked, being confused yet amused at the same time.

"I don't turn the dishwasher on when we only have like three cups, three plates and three forks dirty."
I told him, causing him to shrug his shoulders.
"Seems legit."

"Of course it does. Now excuse me, I'll be right back."

I didn't take long to shower, getting out of the bathroom with a towel around my body.
I looked at Hank as soon as I walked out of the bathroom, seeing him drinking beer while watching TV.

I approached him from behind, taking his beer away quickly.
He remarked, turning around to see me wrapped in a towel, holing his beer up teasingly.

"Don't drink all too much."
I said while walking around the couch to walk up in front of him.
I placed the bottle of beer on the table before crawling on top of his tights.

We looked into each other's eyes before I smiled at him.
"You know you're naked, right?"
Hank noted, smiling back in confusion.

I leaned in, kissing him on the lips passionately only to part a few moments after.

I looked into his eyes, smiling at him again.
"Well, I think your lips are my new addiction then."
"That's actually something good, honey."

We kissed again, this time Hank opened my towel, exposing my naked body to him completely.

"Alright, I'm going to put on some clothes. I'm cold."
I said, going down from Hank's lap to walk up to the bedroom.

"You're mean, (Y/N).."
Hank whispered, looking at me while going through his hair with his hand.

I decided to wear simple panties and an oversized T-shirt. It was cold, but I would warm up under the blanket anyway.

I walked out of the bedroom, hearing that Hank is showering right now.
I went into the kitchen, putting a pizza into the oven so Hank and you could enjoy it together.

Not long after, the pizza was ready and I cut it in slices while Hank went out of the shower.
"Showered a quite long time. Had something to think about?"
I teased him, smiling at him mischievously.
"Thought about something but not in the way you think I did."

"Smells nice. Pizza?"
He asked, leading me to nod.
"I thought we should eat before going to sleep. We need to stand up earlier since we are picking up Connor from the airport."
I reminded Hank, causing him to groan.
"Yeah, yeah.."

"Aren't you happy about him coming back? A few weeks passed already."
"Of course I am happy, but.. does it need to be that early?"
Hank complained while taking a slice of pizza before sitting down on the dining table.

I giggled as I took a piece of pizza for myself as well.
"Luckily, we have tomorrow off though."

"In two weeks we are leaving on vacation as well."
Hank reminded me, leading me to smile.
"I look forward to it. I'm curious about how Connor and Sumo will handle themselves, but I know they won't be doing bad."

Both Hank and I looked at Sumo, who was laying next to the door. He recently often laid next to the door, probably waiting for Connor to finally come home.

Connor and Sumo got best buddies, caucusing Hank and me to smile every time we see them play together.

"Well, seven hours to go then. Will it be enough for you to catch some sleep?"
I asked him teasingly so Hank groaned again.
"You're mean, (Y/N)."

"I know."
I giggled before smiling at him mischievously.
"Because you're unconsciously forcing me, I am going to sleep now."
"Alright, I'm coming with you then. I mean - I'm a human being, I need to sleep as well."

Both of us stood up, walking up to the bedroom together.

Hank laid down on the bed already, watching me searching something inside the wardrobe.
"Don't tell me you want to dress up for tomorrow?"
Hank asked rhetorically, still watching me.

"Of course I'm going to dress up, do you want me to go naked?"
"Of course I would want you to be naked."
Hank answered, causing me to roll my eyes playfully.

I took out an outfit I liked to wear on nice occasions

"I know it's kitschy and I hate it, but I admit you're always beautiful - regardless of what you wear."
Hank remarked, leading me to turn around with a huge smile on my face.
"Awww, how cute."

"Alright, I'm going to wear this then."
I added, laying the clothes down on a chair.

I went on the bed, cuddling against Hank as he caressed my back lightly.
"I think I'm actually tired.."
I muttered, closing my eyes while resting my head against Hanks chest.

"You're tired? Wow, I'm surprised."
Hank muttered in a soft voice, causing me to giggle slightly.

"Go to sleep, big bear, you need a lot of sleep as much as I know."
I told him, teasing him by patting his nose slightly.

"I hope I'll be able to stand up tomorrow.."
He muttered, causing me to giggle at him.
"I'll make sure you do."

"What if I pretend I won't?"
Hank asked, smiling mischievously.
"Oh, why should I care?"

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now